°16 deal? Quackity '-'

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Las Nevadas, the country of opportunities. The fun. The money. The power. The control. He had it all. He had manipulated fundy, sam, purpled and foolish into this already. No way am I gonna fall for that shit.
'Ya see here, that's the casino' quackity pointed at the ginormous white building.'Woah...' hey it was way tall for me to say something.
'Yeah its pretty cool. Im gonna build so many more casinos like this with mainly slot machines and poker tables. But that's whatever.'
I hummed along. Bullshit. Slot machines are the number one way to get money. And people are stupid enough to play on it.
He gave me a really long tour of what Las Nevadas will become in the future. I've got to say that it wasn't exactly a bad planning.
' -And I'm trying to make a place where everyone is accepted and they can just relax and enjoy. Did you know fundy and foolish have the citizenship of Las Nevadas? It real-'
'Cut to the chase will you quackity?'
'Well- I- what do you mean? I don't understand.'
'Why do you want me here?'
'Y/n, I don't seem to get your point.'
'Why would you give me a tour?'
'I mean you're my friend y/n..why else?'
'Come on quackity, you really expect me to believe that? What exactly do you want from me?'His facade had now vanished. He looked at me with all seriousness after letting out a sarcastic laugh.
'Well, I'm not surprised by that.'
'As you should.'
'I need your technology y/n. I've seen your ideas of those robots you were working on. And I want that. In fact I need that.'
So this is what the fuss is all about.
'What is the deal then?'
'Well I mean you could build your bots here, ya know in Las Nevadas, I'll provide everything you need. And after that you could get the citizenship too.'
'Don't try that stuff on me quackity. You seriously think I'm gonna fall for "not being remembered by people" blah blah? I'm not like fundy or foolish who get manipulated over this.'
He sighed. This little shit-
'What do you suggest then?'
'Two casinos one hotel and 50% share of all profits.' I simply stated without a hesitation. I knew this moment would come.
'Okay I think that's a bit too high. How about 30% of the profits from one casino?'
'Nice to see Las Nevadas quackity but I have someplace better I could be.' I started to walk away.
'Y/n....I don't think I would walk away.'
'Why is that?' He has a plan to blackmail me.
'I know how much you love your pet dog Bosh. It would be a shame if he died.'So he attacks my already dead dog. Pathetic.
'Go ahead Quackity I don't think it would matter.'
Bosh died way back in the Pogtopia war. But then a new stray one used to visit me everyday. I guess quackity thinks that dog is bosh. Dumb duck.Not gonna lie watching quackity get confused was the funniest thing I might've seen the whole day.
'So you don't mind your pet dying?'
That dog is pretty innocent and doesnt deserve to die. But so does my esteem. Quackity couldn't get that far ahead of himself. He wouldn't do it. Bet a hundred mil.
'No. Good day.'
'Wait y/n...' he sighed and muttered a few profanities. ' how about you get a casino?'
'Another Casino with 50% of all buildings profit right? Then yes.'
'Sam is my business partner I don't think he'd like it if half of the profits are shared.'
'Puhlease. Sam isn't your business partner. He's your puppet. You can just say some magic words and convince him into doing anything.'
'This isn't going as planned.' He whispered.
'Let me give you my last and final deal. One casino, a hotel and 50%.'...silence.

'Right then. Lets get started shall we?'

I know. I know. Been gone for like months. But what can I say........I don't know what to say. Anyways please drink water if haven't drank a lil h2o while reading this I have no idea when I'll come back. *Vanishes*

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