17°Prison Dream

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Prison lore———————————————————————————Also no hate to the irl dream. This is all c!dream. He is the most evil portrayed character I might have ever witnessed, and that just shows how great cc!dream can act.
I stood in front of the hot burning lava as sam asked me if I was ready to go in the vault. The cobblestone floor started to move and so did I along with it, keeping my pace even. I didn't dare look to my sides, even though I knew it was super hot because of the lava, it wasn't that type of heat which makes you sweat rather the one which feels very uncomfortable.After what felt like an endless archway, I was standing in front of the infamous pissbaby with the solid nephrite blocking me from him. He looked happy.
He doesnt deserve to be happy though.
I stayed silent. I didn't think this through, how should I start?
'Hey....y/n.' He said.The nerve of this man.'Listen here dream I came in here to not talk to you about how youre suffering in this prison and stuff like that alright? I came in here to tell you that you deserve this shit. Infact you deserve far worse than this.' I ranted. Oh but there's more to come. This little shit is gonna hear so much of-
'I know'
...well that wasn't expected.
'Well. good. Because you should know how pathetic you are to fight and manipulate children. '
'What? Tommy and I are friends, I don't about tubbo though, he didn't come and meet me here.'
'Dont you dare pull this psychological manipulation thing on me. I will never have an ounce ofpity for you. As for Tommy and you being friends, I don't think the idea of punching him to death was a good plan for the bond to grow.'
' He knew he had to go through that.'
I am as close to drawing my axe out like how Wilbur was close to the button before blowing l'manburg up.
'Look dream.' I resist the urge to spit at his name. 'I don't want to waste my time. Ive got better things to do so ill just-'
'Things like what?'
Did he just interrupt me?
'You said you had better things to do than talk to me. So what are those other things you have in mind which makes you think are way more important than giving your friend some time.'
'I have places to be like Nikis bakery, Tommys hotel, snowchester, las Neva- I'm not your friend.'He's getting in my head. Hell no. ill lock the doors of all the passages in my brain. Even if it means my last braincells fight his unto death. Anyways.
'I mean you came here and visited me. I consider you my friend.'
Trying to be reasonable.
'Well I-' I sighed. Lets play the good cop first. I need what he has. ' Listen, I'm sorry. I just, had a lot of frustration and stuff which isn't justifiable I know. But I'm sorry.'
He looked surprised for a moment. Probably didn't expect these words from me.
'I-it's alright. Happens to the best of us.' He never looses his facade does he?
'So what do you wanna talk about?'
Ah yes, this is the question he should've asked long back.
'Well, I don't know.' I pretended to think. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent. Act innocent 'oh I heard that you had this mysterious book. What's that all about?'
'Who told you that?'
' I don't know I just remember hearing something like that. Maybe it was quackity I don't know.'
'Well it must be a silly rumor.'' Come on, I mean you're 'The Dream' you must have some sort of power or command over people.'He scoffed. 'Why are you really here y/n?'
'I want the book.'
'What book?'
'Lets not play dumb shall we?'
'Do you think sam would've allowed me to get something into prison?'
'Do you think sam would've allowed me to get into prison when you just killed and revived Tommy back?'
'W-Wait.' He didn't think that through did he? 'So are you working for sam? Did he send you to threaten me?'
' I don't work for anyone dream. however I think it might be the influence of me being a business partner with quackity. He has visited you quite a few times right?'
He didn't look happy. Hah.
'Y-yeah he did visit me.'
'He didn't possibly bring in anything did he?'
'.....he did'
I sighed. 'I'm gonna ask you one last time dream. To hand me the book'
'Why would I do that?' This man really doesn't get the memo does he?
'Because I believe that you trust me enough to give me that rather than quackity coming here everyday to torture you.' I took out my enchantment V diamond sword.I loved the fact that his face turned white, how his legs shaked, how his lips slightly quivered. How he kneeled and begged me.
'The book or the sword dream. It's your choice.'
I'm trying to catch up with the latest lore. But school is being very sucky about it. Sorryy!!

Also drink some water rn. That's an order. Or a request. Just ^_________^ wuter.

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