Hes back !!!!

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My name is Y/N before we get into the story I thought I would let you know that Carl and me have been going out for a while after Bonnie left he needed a friend I did too. I live with the Gallaghers and they look after me. I love them all like they're my family. Anyways carrying on!


I walked through the lonely streets. Now it was 11:30 at night but hey fi told me she had a surprise for me and I had to get there right that second. I was having a good time working in the cafe munching on doughnuts before she called but hey. As I entered I could hear the music blaring from the inside. There/ are home was messy but it was homely.

I walked in and heard them singing. Gosh this really must be important. After Carl left I wasn't myself I went to visit him everyday. I went to go today but they said he wasn't there and I was going to ask fi if she knew what happened with Carl.

"Hey fi I went by the juvie place to visit Carl but they said he's not there do you know what happened" I shouted.

Everyone was staring at me. There was banners saying welcome home and a cake for someone's quincess(sorry if I spelt that wrong). To say I was confused was an understatement.

"Guys I know I'm hot but like no need to stare" I joked

I heard a deep chuckle from behind me.

"That you are babe"

im sorry that was so cringe looking back carrying on.....

I knew that voice. I turned to see Carl staring at me with them blue eyes. I could not believe my eyes?!? Carl was here. Like tf I thought he wasn't gonna be out till 6 months later.

I didn't even realise I was crying until he put one of his hands against my face to brush of the tear that fell. I tackled him into a hug. I swear I was hallucinating. Me being me I turned to everyone else saying

"Punch me"

"Why?" Kev asked.

"I think I'm either dead or dreaming and I know I'm not dead coz if I was would went right through this body" I said like a moron.

He turned and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my shoulder. I turned and gave him the biggest hug in man kind. I clutched onto him for my dear life oh my gosh he's back. Knowing him probably going to end up back but I didn't care. I just wanted him in the moment. I looked around the room realise there was someone else here. I recognised him he's nick we were good friends but we haven't seen each other in months. I went up to him and hugged yes he looks scary but is he actually umm lemme think no.

By the looks of Carl's face he was confused.

"Were friends" I whispered

He gave a gentle nod i let go of nick and told everyone I was going to take a shower.

Damn today was eventful

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