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•••••••• y'all are 12 in this ••••••••

'Woohoo!!' I laughed riding toothless with y/n behind me, her arms around my waist. I blushed. 'Isn't this great?' I asked her. She nodded against my back. I laughed from it tickling. 'Toothless, through the trees!' I instructed and he went through them. Toothless knocked into a tree and all 3 of us fell to the ground. 'Y/n? Y/n!?' I looked around for her and found her lying on her side crying. 'Y/n, what's wrong???' I asked her concerned and holding her up. She hissed in pain from me touching her so I stopped. 'What happened??' She looked at me with tears in her eyes. 'M-my s-s-side...' she said sniffing. 'I-I think it's got a bad bruise...' I nodded. 'Do you mind if I check..?' I asked her and she blushed, allowing me to. I lifted up her shirt just to see her side (NOTHING ELSE PERVERTS XD) my eyes widen at how large her bruise was. 'I.. you're coming home with me'

I noticed Hiccup's eyes widening. He looked horrified. 'I.. you're coming home with me' 'o-okay' I stuttered worrying. He helped me walk to toothless without hurting me. 'Thank you' I was able to get on carefully and we headed to his house.

5 mins later:
'Mom! Mom! Y/n got hurt! I need your help!!' I called to her, helping y/n off of toothless carefully. 'She hurt her side badly!!!! I need ice!' I sobbed, freaking out. She ran to the room, also checking her side as did I. Her eyes too did widen. 'I can't put ice on this bruise, it needs magical healing for this kind of a bruise. We will go to Gothi' My mother grabbed her things and headed out of the door with me following behind. Y/n is in my arms bridal style as we took her there. 'You'll be okay, I promise'

At Gothi's;
'Gobber, where is Gothi?' 'GOTHI!!!' He screamed, hurting our ears.. 'ow' she came in the room and smacked Gobber's head for yelling that loud. She scribbled in the sand. 'What does it say?' I asked Gobber. 'Flowers in a drink?' He questioned her writing. She smacked him again. 'Oh oh no.. you need a tree leaf from the most dangerous tree; The Sandbox Tree (I just looked up a random, dangerous tree). Gothi will mix it with lemon juice in order to heal her side. But she doesn't drink it, it will be rubbed on her side' he explained. We nodded. 'Hiccup, let's go. Keep your hold on y/n' 'yes mom'

We headed for the Sandbox tree. 'Toothless, up' he flew upwards so I could grab a leaf. I grabbed one, stuffing it inside of my bag. 'Let's go buddy' he obeyed but another dragon came over starting to attack. 'Mom! Hold y/n' I yelled as toothless reached the ground so I could let her go. But we flew back up to defend ourselves from the dragon. 'Plasma blast toothless!' He did so. 'Mom go to Gothi with the leaf, I'll catch up to you when I can' she ran back to Gothi where she mixed up the leaf w lemon juice. She still had y/n of course. Toothless gave one more shot to the dragon until it gave up and we now headed to Gothi's. We landed. 'Is she alright??' I questioned with concern. I walked to her side and lifted up her shirt to see her bruise was gone. 'Thank Thor you're alright!' I hugged her tightly and she hugged back, kissing me cheek. 'I don't know what I'd do without you..'

Hiccup x Reader One shots (some may be gay)Where stories live. Discover now