curhat dong mah

58 6 1

ignore the ugly tittle

apa kabar??? semoga selalu baik ya!!

emmmmmmmmmmmmm, where do i start this convo...

ah okk

so, akhir-akhir ini i tried to continue this story BUT when i finish my writing for next chapter and i want to publish it, i feel "ughh why i write this" and delete it all again. fase ini berulang berkali-kali:( sampai aku sebel sama diriku sendiri. kaya "kenapa sih lo ngeselin banget??" "kenapa nggak bisa fit in to this story" gitu huhhhh:(

sorry. i really mean it.

so sorry for everyone who's waiting this story *pdhl gada yg nunggu*
i also have a loooootttttsss thingsss to doooo in real life so i think im gonna clear it first and start writing next chapter

semoga aku cepet dapet ide+feel buat nulis chapter berikutnya:::"""""

soooooo seee yaaa!!
jaga kesehatan selalu!

lots of love, muti

AsmaralokaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang