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Call Me Yours
Forty-Eight: Slughorn's Memories

Y/n was finally his, and Harry was hers. The two of them sat in the common room, with Y/n's head on Harry's lap, reading the Quibbler, Hermione sat on the floor in front of them with her head in the newspaper, and Ron sitting on the other couch trying to do homework. Everyone heard that Y/n and Harry were dating by that night. 

Fourth years would come up to Y/n and ask her if he was a good kisser. Harry didn't have time to mail Sirius about him and Y/n, knowing that Sirius would love to hear the new information. 

Harry didn't care about the gossip or anything. "I have magical creatures, in ten minutes," Said Y/n, looking up at him and moving the Quibbler. Harry mentally groaned, since they were in a comfortable position. "Romilda Vane asked me if you had a tattoo" 

"Yeah? What did you say?" 

"Well, Ginny said, you had an eagle, and I said a Niffler"

Harry grinned, pecking her on the lips. Ron groaned at the two looking away. "Ron, you and Lavender were snogging every two seconds...they are mild compared to you," Hermione hushed, looking down at the newspaper. 

Y/n chuckled sitting up, "Hopefully, Hagrid is okay...He wasn't there last time..." Said Y/n closing the Quibbler and putting it on the table. Harry moved the half-blood prince's book, closing it and putting it to the side. 

"I'll walk you," Harry said standing up, "I-I have to...I just want to walk..." Y/n grinned before putting her hand into Harry's. "We'll see you later-" Hermione and Ron hummed and nodded before the two of them walking out of the common room. 

Right away, people started to whisper when they saw Harry and Y/n. "You still need to talk to Slughorn don't you?" Said Y/n, Harry groaned realizing that he still hasn't talked to Slughorn, He was more focused on his new relationship with Y/n than Slughorn. "I'm guessing you have-" 

"No, I haven't...But Dumbledore still wants me to, I can tell he's getting more frustrated" Harry explained looking over at her, "But, Slughorn just doesn't seem to not wanna talk to me." 

"I wonder why?" Y/n wittingly said turning to him. 

Harry never was going easy on Slughorn, and would just bring up Tom riddle and Horcruxes. "I'm trying, but it's not quite easy, darling...to just go and say 'Hey, what do you know about Horcruxes..." Harry mentioned. 

Every time he would call Y/n, a 'pet' name, Her stomach would erupt. "Well...maybe try and talk to him, during his best mood..." Harry thought about it with a nod, as the two continued to walk down towards Hagrid's hut. 

The two were about to walk over, before Harry stopped Y/n in her path, "What's wrong?" She asked looking over at him. 

"Nothing, People would whisper, and I know you're not huge on PDA..."

Y/n pecked him on his lips, Harry placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. Y/n grinned with a giggle backing away from him. "I'll see you later," Y/n kissed his cheek before walking away and skipping towards Hagrid's hut. 

She walked over, meeting up with Neville. "Hello Nev, how is everything?" Said Y/n. Neville looking up from his book of creatures with a small smile.

"Hey, Y/n...it's been good, you?" 

"Wonderfull, Is Hagrid here yet?" Neville shook his head looking around. There was a lot of students sitting around talking. 

Hagrid didn't show up yet causing Y/n to grow worried-looking up from her creature book. "I'll be back," She said to Neville standing up, Y/n walked over to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door softly waiting for someone to answer. 

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