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Call Me Yours
Fifty-Seven: Ron's Breakdown

Looking pale, Ron leans against the trunk of a tree. Harry and Hermione exchanged a nod. He raises his wand. Harry shouts, "Dissendium!" The locket spins rapidly into position but remains intact. After reading the herbology book all night, Y/n took a small nap in the tent. 

"Incendio!" Hermione continued. Flames engulf the locket, and its metal flesh turns scarlet, but then the flames die.


The tree stump explodes, but the locket remains unmarked. "Confringo!" The ground beneath the stump craters, but the locket remains untouched. Hermione lowers her wand, and Y/n walked out of the tent rubbing her eyes. 

Harry continues on, firing a succession of spells, looking almost possessed. Hermione studies him oddly until, finally, he stops. All goes silent except for the leaves shifting in wind above. Then, slowly, another sound comes clear a tickling. Coming from the locket. "It's angry." 

Hermione shivers. Harry steps forward, kneels down and takes the locket by its chain. It ticks He slings it over his neck. Rises. "Har, what are you doing?" Y/n asked, he glanced over at her sitting next to Ron now. 

"We have to keep it safe until we can figure out how to destroy it..." Harry explained, looking over at his girlfriend. 

"I can put it in my bag --" Hermione said. 

Harry shook his head looking over at Hermione, "Seems strange, mate. Dumbledore sends you off to find a load of Horcruxes but doesn't bother to tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?" Harry studies the locket, whose ticking has slowed, then walks off. 

As Y/n watched her boyfriend, she knew he was annoyed based on his body language. After sighing, she got up and followed him. Hermione eyes Ron, who returns her glance, then pushes away from the tree and walks off slowly in the opposite direction. "Harry, he means the best...you know that?" Y/n said. Harry hummed in response, Y/n moved closer to him. "Hi..."

"Hey..." He responded. 

"I love you..." Y/n told him, again. 

"I love you too..." Harry said turning and looking at her, he kissed her temple calming her back down. He was going to try and not let the necklace get to Y/n. "I just don't know how, I'm going to break this thing..." 

Y/n wrapped her arms around Harry, placing her head on his chest lovingly. "Well...you will wind up doing it...Har" Said Y/n, Harry kissed the top of her head "For now...I'm going to try and finish that book," 

He nodded watching his girlfriend walk towards the tent. 

A new day has dawned, and Ron lies in his cot fiddling with the radio. Occasionally, voices can be heard in the static. After turning over the Mirror fragment in his fingers, Harry stares into the distance at Y/n as she collects flowers. Her beauty caught his attention. Upon seeing him, she smiled and waved, before walking over and joining Hermione. 

As he tilts the mirror, the radio spits static, and Ron is able to be seen. A glance at the mirror causes him to squirm, but he holds back his anger. While studying the locket's metal skin, he notices the fissures in the metal. A sudden wine flows from his lips. He spills the locket onto the chain as his hand is raised. A band of constricting skin surrounds his scar.

"Tell me, Gregorovitch. Tell me where it is..." Voldemort's voice said, Harry couldn't see anyone yet. 

An old man with pure-white hair and a bushy beard cowers in a dark corner. "I told you! I no longer have it! It was stolen from me! Many years ago!" He shouted. 

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