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Santana clenched her hands into fists to stop the shaking. It didn't help. Every deep breath she took attempted to slow down her racing heart, but just like her personality, the beating was persistent. It was opening night, and she'd managed to avoid seeing Brittany up until now, an idea that hugely backfired, as she couldn't hold off any longer, and all of her nerves were hitting at once.

From the doorway of the dressing room, she had a clear view of Brittany touching up her makeup at the table. She looked beautiful as always. Santana took one more deep breath and walked up to her ex-girlfriend.

"Hey." She flashed a soft smile.

Brittany looked up, and they locked eyes in the mirror.


"I've really missed you." Santana's words came out as practically a whisper. She'd practiced talking about her feelings with Quinn, but it still felt unnatural.

"I've missed you, too. Why did you come back?"

Why had she came back? At first, she was excited about the thought of being with Brittany again. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that this excursion was for herself. She needed to be on a stage again. Music kept her alive.

"I missed performing. I wanted to be on stage with you all again."

"Well, I'm glad you're here. You're a perfect Rizzo."

Santana gave Brittany's shoulder a squeeze.

"Thanks, Britt. I'll see you after the show."

Santana left the dressing room to find a place to warm up. Upon stepping out the door, she felt a change within her. After everything that had gone down between her and Brittany, she was finally at peace.

. . .

After graduating high school, Santana never thought she'd find herself standing in the wings backstage again, but there she was, anxiously awaiting her cue. It was time for her most important number, There Are Worse Things I Could Do. The rest of the show had been going great, but Santana never had any trouble portraying a spunky character. This song was different. She had to be vulnerable. It seemed like vulnerability had been asked of her a lot recently.

Despite all of the nerves, Santana began to feel it. It was something she'd never been able to describe, but it reliably came before every performance. It was like a concoction of excitement and tranquility that started in her chest and spread throughout her body. Once it came, she knew a performance would be spectacular.

Before she knew it, she was stepping on stage, a spotlight following her. The orchestra began to play. All eyes were on her, but she couldn't care less. With the blinding lights, she could barely make out individual people in the audience. For now, it was just her and the music.

There are worse things I could do
Than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood
Thinks I'm trashy and no good
I suppose it could be true
But there are worse things I could do

The words poured out of her. She didn't even have to try. The music was all around her, and her body was just a vessel for it, letting everyone else hear the beauty she felt.

I could flirt with all the guys
Smile at them and bat my eyes
Press against them when we dance
Make them think they stand a chance
Then refuse to see it through
That's a thing I'd never do

The song built in intensity, and Santana could feel it within her, her body vibrating with the pure energy. It felt so right.

I could stay home every night
Wait around for Mr.Right
Take cold showers every day
And throw my life away
On a dream that won't come true

A tear rolled down her cheek. And not a Rachel Berry I-cry-every-time-I-sing tear. A real one.

I could hurt someone like me
Out of spite or jealousy
I don't steal and I don't lie
But I can feel and I can cry
A fact I'll bet you never knew
But to cry in front of you
That's the worst thing I could do

The applause was deafening. Santana had barely registered that the song was over by the time the audience was on their feet. Broken out of her trance, she surveyed the crowd, taking everything in. Her eyes stopped on a figure in the back row. She could recognize that bright smile anywhere.

She'd came.

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