Thirty One

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The next few days were filled with typical Christmas festivities. The Fabray family attended the Christmas Eve service at their church, as always. Santana's family made a spectacular dinner for La Noche Buena, including her mother's famous pastelitos. The two girls didn't see much of each other, but they were happy.

Once Christmas and all of their familial obligations had passed, Quinn and Santana found themselves back in the studio, listening to each track of Santana's portfolio.

"Damn," Santana remarked, "We actually pulled this off."

"Yeah," Quinn replied, a glimmer in her eye. "We actually did."

Santana removed her headphones, the last song coming to an end. "Thank you for all of this. And for agreeing to sing with me on the last track. I know you were nervous, but it made a serious difference."

Quinn played with the hem of her shirt. "Yeah, I guess it really came together in the end." 

"Hey," Santana perked up, "I got you a Christmas gift." She reached into her tote bag.

"Awe, you really didn't have to—" Quinn started, suddenly recognizing the item in Santana's hand. "No way."

Santana beamed, handing the gift to her girlfriend. Quinn carefully took it into her hands, admiring the cover.

"Blue. My favorite Joni album. On vinyl." Quinn was practically shaking with excitement. "I thought it was out of print. How did you get it?"

Santana shrugged. "A lot of searching."

"I have something for you, too," Quinn grinned. "It's in my room."

Santana sat, tapping her foot impatiently. Quinn burst through the door, proudly holding up a book.

"Girl, you know I don't read, right?" Quinn laughed, rolling her eyes as she handed over the gift.

Santana studied it. On the front, in calligraphy, were the words Santana and Quinn: The Story of Us.

"What is this?" Santana teased.

"Just open it."

Opening up to the first page, Santana was met by  pictures of her younger self and her girlfriend, sporting cheerleading outfits and huge grins.

As she flipped through, she watched herself grow up. There were awkward middle school pictures, the infamous glee club yearbook picture, prom photos, and even an action shot of their fight in the hallway.

"How did you even get this picture?" She couldn't help herself laughing at the look of aggression on her face as she pulled Quinn's hair.

"I sent a message to our good friend Jacob Ben Israel."

"You did not."

Next was a picture of them beaming, holding up the Nationals trophy together. Then, graduation. A receipt from their Breadstix takeout after the breakup. The ticket from when Quinn went to see Grease. A picture of them dancing in Gracie's Diner.

"Okay, now how did you get that one?"

"Turns out Gracie is kind of a creep. Or a hopeless romantic. Or both? Anyway, she secretly took it and gave it to me the next time I saw her."

Finally turning to the last page, a picture of the two of them ice skating just the other day, Santana wiped a tear from her eye.

"You made me fucking cry. I love you so much, idiot." She pulled the blonde in for a hug, holding her tightly, as if she might be taken away from her at any moment.

. . .

A few days later, once all of Santana's application materials were submitted to NHSM, the two girls went to the Lima Bean to celebrate over coffee and pastries.

"So what's your plan now?" Quinn inquired. "Living with your parents until you get accepted?"

"First of all, who knows if I'm getting accepted? Second of all, I actually wanted to talk to you about that. When I graduated, my parents gave me a sum of money that they had saved up so I could use it for anything I need. So, I've decided to rent an apartment in New Haven for a few months so that I can be around you. I'll get a job and stuff, too."

"Shut up," Quinn said, "That's perfect! No more long distance for us."

"Yup," Santana replied. "And I'll have a place to myself, nice and private. No roommates. So you can spend the night whenever." She winked.

Quinn smirked. "I just might have to take you up on that."

Their conversation was interrupted by Sam and Mercedes.

"Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray. No way. How are you guys?" Sam wore his signature goofy grin.

Quinn quickly retracted her hand from where it had been resting on top of Santana's.

"Great," she replied. "We're just catching up about college and stuff. Haven't seen each other in forever. You know how it is."

Santana's smile dropped.

"Yeah," Mercedes chimed in. "I've missed Sam a lot since moving to LA. This was much needed."

"Well, we'll leave you to it," Quinn plastered on a fake smile.

Sam and Mercedes found a table together across the room.

"What was that?" Santana accused.

"What do you mean?"

"Quinn, can I be honest with you for a second?"

"Yeah, of course." Her voice shook, subtilely enough that only Santana would notice.

"I love you. And I really want to make this work. But the sneaking around is really hard for me. I understand that you don't feel ready to be out. I do. And I understand why. But I've been in that place, and I'm not anymore. All this hiding is really emotionally taxing for me."

"Oh." A small tear was forming in the corner of Quinn's eye. "I'm really sorry."

Santana sighed. "Don't be. You're just doing your best right now, and I'm here with you every step of the way. I just needed you to know how it makes me feel. It's been really heavy to carry alone."

Quinn nodded solemnly. "On the bright side," she perked up, "In New Haven, I'm out to all of my friends. We can just be a normal couple there."

Santana smiled, imagining it.

"And I swear I'm working up the courage to come out to my mom and everyone else. I really want to do it."

"I know you do. And you will. When you're ready."

Hey guys! I'm fully aware of how slowly these chapters have been coming out. I frankly have not been doing very well mentally, and as much as I love writing this story, it has not been a high priority for me. But it felt good to revisit Santana and Quinn. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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