Chapter 3

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**Triggers: panic attack**

**Phil's POV**

I glance outside to see Tommy and Tubbo playing. Tubbo trips a couple of times but Tommy is always right there beside him to help him with anything. I can tell that they need each other, I just wish that they'd let me in. I wish I could understand them more. I know they have been through a lot, Tommy specifically. I can see the hurt in Tommy's eyes. It's the same look Technoblade had when I first took them in.

I see Techno and Wil sit on the couch and I go over to them. "Hey boys, how are you getting along with the new rascals?" Techno speaks first, "they seem like great kids. Super sweet. Obviously been through a lot and are both scared but I'm happy they're here."
I smile at him. "How do you feel about them Wil" I say while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Tubbo is the sweetest thing. So pure, so much love in his heart. And you can tell how much he adores his brother. Tommy is scared of trusting us. I understand that. I was scared to trust you at first too" he chuckles slightly while hugging me.

"I know it seems difficult, but they'll come around. We just have to let them know that we're here and we're not going anywhere. Keep reminding them that you are both their brothers and eventually they'll come to you." I smile while proudly looking at my sons.

**Wil's POV**

I watched Dad walk into his office to get some work done before we all went to the store. I looked over to my brother who had a hard ass expression on his face while watching TV. I looked beside the couch and grabbed a wrapping paper tube out of the bucket. I lifted it slightly and bonked Techno on the head with it. He glared at me, "Wilbur what the hell!?" He yelled slightly. "Sorry my hand must have slipped, I was just looking at it." He rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the TV. I lifted it higher and hit Techno again with it but much harder this time.

He glared at me and said "oh you're on!" He grabbed a tube for himself as we both got into a fighting stance. It wasn't long before he knocked me down, took my 'sword' and started poking me and hitting me with the tube. "Stop! Not fair!" I yelled as we heard the back door open and Tommy and Tubbo walked in. "Boys come help me! I'm being attacked!" I pointed to where the wrapping paper tubes were. They both started laughing as they each grabbed one and started fighting Techno.

Tommy wacked Techno in the side and Tubbo hit his leg and he pretended to play dead as the boys kept wacking and hitting him. "Haha betrayal!" I yelled as I grabbed my tube and I started hitting the boys playfully. We were all laughing and having fun until Tubbo accidentally swung too far back and knocked the lamp over.

**Techno's POV**

Tubbo fell to his knees as he stared at the now broken lamp. "I-I am s-sorry... I didn't... I didn't mean to..." He said as he starts hyperventilating. I have seen this before. He's having a panic attack. "Tubbo it's okay. Nothing's going to happen to you. I promise. I'll tell him I broke it. It's okay." Tommy said as he held his hand while his breathing got heavier.

I kneeled beside Tubbo.  "Tubbo can you hear me?" I said and Tubbo nodded slightly still breathing very fast and hard. "Tubbo I need you to tell me something you see that's red."
"I-I can't-"
"Yes you can, I believe in you." Tubbo looks up slightly. "T-Tommy's shirt."
"Good can you tell me something that's pink?" He grabs a free strand of my hair and looks at it.
"Very good, now try to copy my breathing." We sit there breathing in and out for about 5 minutes as Tubbo starts to calm down. Suddenly he gives me a hug and I hug him back. We sit like that for about 20 seconds before he pulls away.

"I really am sorry about the lamp. I wasn't being careful." Tears pricked the sides of his eyes. "Hey it's okay bud," I started, "accidents happen, it's not your fault." He looked at me with fear in his eyes, "I don't know if Phil will say the same." I hugged him one more time. "He's really understanding when it comes to stuff like this. You'll see."

**Third person POV**

Phil walked downstairs and looked at the scene in front of him. "what happened? Is everyone okay?" He said as he glanced at Tommy's and Tubbo's worried faces. Tommy spoke up, "I broke a lamp, I'm really sorry, we were messing around and-"
"No he didn't," Tubbo spoke up, "it was me. I am so sorry and I didn't mean to. It'll never happen again...." He looked down and tightly shut his eyes as if he was bracing to be hit.

Phil walked towards Tubbo, bent down beside him and hugged him. Tubbo was shocked and Tommy was even more shocked. "Thank you for telling me the truth." Phil said while pulling away from the hug. "Mistakes happen, but as long as you're honest and you try to be more careful next time, then that's all that matters. I'm glad you were all having fun together. Don't ever be afraid to have fun with your brothers."

Tommy was too in shock to be angry at the word 'brothers'. Never before had someone been so understanding towards them. 

**Tommy's POV**

Wil started to clean up the glass and while Tubbo and Phil were talking, I walked over to Techno. "How did you know how to help him?" I asked, a little embarrassed that I don't know how to calm my brother down that easily. "I have had a lot of practice. I have anxiety and Wil used to have terrible anxiety too. Both of us have had panic attacks. Therapy helped give me tips about how to calm myself and other people down."

I nodded while listening, starting to feel bad about earlier. "I'm sorry I pushed you earlier Techno." He smiled back at me, put a hand on my shoulder and said, "it's okay, I understand. I would've pushed me too."

I glanced over to Phil and Wil smiling and laughing with Tubbo. I haven't seen Tubbo this happy since we were with our parents. Phil looked over to me and smiled. "Are you all ready to get some shopping done?" Phil said in an excited tone. And we all said "yeah" in response.

Word count-1127

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