The First Day & Crush?..Or Realization?(S.01 Chap.04)

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{I do not own My hero academia as the plot is mine and the ideas are mine and this I how I view MHA personally that is not overpowered at the start but good enough for myself to feel shivers and I will take my time on this and also think through it and also This is a fanfic dont think MHA is like this and also I will be using the DemonSlayer Technique Total Concentration Constant for Izuku since he learned it MMA From his personal Sensei and also Izuku will have a quirk that was weak which is actually a bone density quirk to make his bones stronger and able to handle one for all but it really isn't a quirk to others since its only enhancing the body of users so its not really a quirk but something he was born with to.}

"All Might Speaking"

"Normal Speaking"

'Talking in Mind'

~<{Previously On My Hero Academia: The One Who Did Become Strong}>~

When he got there as Toshinori was there earlier then Izuku as he asked, "Hello my boy sorry for being so busy to text or call you but how did it feel using one for all for you?" Izuku then thought about, "It's like a flowing river that is calm, but also when it's pushed past it's limit it's a rushing river and also that is what drives me to control more of that river to get stronger. And I gotta meet a friend of mind Dad." He realized what he said and was about to say sorry but Toshinori smiled, "I think of you as a son to Izuku. And I'm just glad you are okay." He ruffled the greenettes hair as Izuku had the black highlights to as Toshinori could just see his master behind Izuku with a smile placing her hand on the young 9th holders right shoulder as Toshinori smiled as Izuku ran off as Toshinori wanted to take Inko on a date and finally tell her and All Might wanted a family which he now has and he always wanted to have a child that he can pass everything onto to continue the legacy and All Might realized he has to start showing that he is human and that he will have to retire and he sighed a bit and Izuku made it to the Bakugou house hold as Izuku knocked and Mitsuki opened the door as she saw Izuku, "Aw Izuku! You have grown so much since the last time I've seen you!" She hugged him as Izuku laughed softly and hugged back as Izuku walked in and Katsuki said, "Izuku you came huh? What did you want to talk about?" He was calmer but also would have outbursts to and such as the two went into Katsuki's room as Izuku closed the door and said, "I have a quirk..I'm a late bloomer Kacchan." Katsuki looked at him like he was joking but Izuku activated full cowling and Katsuki was shocked and asked, "You bastard, you hid this from me for how long did you have your quirk?!" Izuku then said, "10 months." Katsuki went silent as Izuku then said, "I'll let you think and now I'll go." He Left the house as Bakugou had to think as Izuku was now leaving after saying bye to Masaru and Mitsuki as Izuku went home and into his room and got into bed staring at the ceiling thinking of things before he shut his eyes and fell asleep as the next week was the start of the new school year at UA High School.

~<{Now on today's chapter on My Hero Academia: The One Who Did Become Strong}>~

~<{The next Day}>~

   Izuku had woken up early and gotten dressed for a workout as he stretched out his body as he began a jog and while on this jog he accidentally bumped into a bi-colored haired teen as Izuku quickly held his hand out quickly saying, "I am so so sorry! I didn't see you I was to busy thinking and I'm sorry!" The teen with the bi-colored hair grabbed the hand firmly as Izuku helped him up as the other boy had a scar on his left side under the red side of his split colored hair of red and white with one eye grey and the other a beautiful shade of light blue as Izuku saw his looks and scar as he felt his cheeks heating up but he didn't know why as Izuku then said, "My name is Izuku Shimura." The other boy looked at him and spoke, "My name is Shouto Todoroki..." he said emotionless and monotoned as Izuku then said, "Uh l-let me buy you a coffee at least or something you want to drink.." Shouto then said, "Fine..." the two boys started to walk to a nearby cafe as Izuku was trying to make conversation as he was trying his best as Izuku then asked, "Hey what is your quirk?" Shouto looked at him and said monotoned, "Half Hot and Half Cold but I don't use my fire side...cause of reasons you do not need to know..." he sounded a bit rude but yet harsh as Izuku then said, "Well whatever your reasons are, it's your power no one else's." Shouto hears these words but he only would remember them for now wondering what to think on that but in the near future those words would mean something to him, they would mean growth but for now they are only words to him as Izuku began to talk about his past a little talking about how he used to be bullied and was quirkless for his whole life but also a late bloomer, a late bloomer that was strong and but yet disciplined as Shouto realized their stories were almost the same cause they were both abused.

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