The Only Exception

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You walk into the bathroom. You felt an intense feeling in your stomach that was making you feel like you were going to throw up. You open the stall quickly, falling to your knees. You had began to throw up your entire lunch into the toilet.  You hadn't even had the chance to grab the door and someone had walked in behind you. You felt someone's hands wrap around your hair, holding it back.

"What's wrong, sugarplum?" You wiped your mouth before flushing the toilet.

You looked and saw Garcia holding your hair up, putting it in a ponytail.

"I don't know. I don't feel good. It's been happening for a few days now. Very nauseous."

"Have you thought about-"

"There's no way."

"I mean, have you been doing the deed?"


"Hey, we're both women here. No shame."

"Yes, I have."

"When was the last time?"

"Probably a month ago."

"Have you had your period?"

"No. It's actually- late." You felt your stomach bottom out and you threw up again, this time a lot more violently.

"Oh. I'm going to get you a test, stay here, okay?"

She lets go of your hair and shuts the door behind you. You lean up against the door, wiping your face of sweat and vomit. You hear the door open again but see different shoes walking into the bathroom, followed by another. Then; you see Garcia's shoes behind all of them.

You hear a knock on the stall and you open it, leaning your head up against the wall of the stall.

"I brought some friends to cheer you on." Garcia hands you the test with Emily and JJ standing beside her.

"We finally might have another BAU baby." JJ seemed excited but you couldn't help but feel like vomiting again if the test turned out to be positive. The person who would be the father wasn't exactly your boyfriend.

You pull down your pants and began to pee on the stick, hearing chatters outside the stall door. It felt so weird that they all were so supportive of you. They were your co-workers, and you're only friends but wouldn't they ask questions? You pull up your pants and flush the toilet, walking out of the stall.

"Here. I don't wanna know." You hand the stick to Garcia, and you felt the tension in your body rise.

You look at yourself in the mirror, looking at your pale skin. You could tell you had put on weight; and it was showing in your face and your stomach. You heard the squeal coming from behind you, which meant what you thought it meant.

"It's positive. Oh my god!"

You felt a drop in your stomach again, but this time it wasn't throw up, it was fear.

"Are you okay? You look like you're about to throw up again." Emily walks over to push your hair out of your face.

"I just don't know what to do. This wasn't exactly planned."

"Whatever you do, we'll support you. We're here for you." Garcia grabs your hand and runs her fingers over it, trying to caress you.

"Thank you guys. I need to figure out what to tell the guy."

"Oh god, was it a one night stand?"

"Eh, not really. Just not my boyfriend though either."

"We're here for you. Do you want us to go with you? You going to call?"

"I don't have to call. I can just go tell him right now."

They all look at each other with confused looks on their faces as you walk out of the bathroom with the test in your hand.

You walk into the common area with all the desks, seeing him at his, he was very intrigued with what he was reading. That was him. Spencer Reid. He was smiling as he saw you walk towards him. You felt something in your throat as you stood in front of him.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?"

"Um, I need to tell you something."

"Anything. What's on your mind?"

You lift up the test and set it on the desk in front of you. He looks to it and then looks to you, then back to the test.

"Is this yours?"

"Yes, silly. It's mine."


"It's okay if you don't want it, I know I'm throwing it all on you right now and it's totally okay if you are mad. I didn't expect this to happen either. I know we haven't really talked about where we stand, but I'm willing to go on this journey with you."

"I was going to say that I'm so excited for us. This is going to be a great next chapter of our life, I'm so happy for you. Of course I'm willing to go on this journey with you. I want to be apart of all of it."

He stands up, putting his hands on your cheeks. He brings you in and kisses you very passionately. You hadn't felt this way in a long time and you were half expecting him to say no and run. He didn't, he wanted to be all in. He wanted to be apart of it all and you were so glad.

"It was Reid?!" You heard the girls behind you screeching.

You pull out of his embrace and look back to them, smiling.

"We're official now. Sorry we've been keeping it from you."

"You've been a thing?"

"Not really. But, we are now."

Spencer looks at you and you smile at him.

"I'm so happy."

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