Away For Life Part 3

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You groggily turn over in bed, where you had been for the past week after you visited Spencer in prison. You couldn't get over the fact that he was beaten, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was scared, you knew he was, he was just being brave in front of you so he didn't worry you. You wish he wasn't like that. It's okay to be scared.

You hear your phone vibrating on your bedside table so you open your eyes and see it was from Emily again, she was the only one who ever called, the others would just text you so you weren't bothered in your sleep. You only told Emily to call if it was important.

"Hello?" You wipe your eyes and sit up in bed.

"Y/N. It's Spence. He's been released. We had a big break in the case. He's free."

You couldn't even wrap your mind around it. You've been wanting to hear these words for months, almost a year. He's finally free.


"Sorry, I'm just in shock. Can I come with you to get him?"

"Of course. I can swing by your apartment and get you. I have JJ with me."

"Hey Y/N." You hear JJ on the other side of the line.

"Hi JJ. Sounds good. Thank you so much Emily."

"No problem. Be there in 15."

You hang up the phone and begin to get ready as quickly as possible. You slip off your dirty clothes you had been wearing for days and slip into black skinny jeans and a FBI hoodie that Garcia had gotten you for your birthday. You go into the bathroom and tie your hair into a high ponytail since you hadn't showered in days and you could tell. You begin to brush your teeth as you hear your phone vibrate on the table.

You run out and see its a text from Emily.

"Sooner than I thought, right outside the front door."

You brush your teeth quickly and spit the toothpaste into the sink. You spray yourself with perfume and slip on your converse, grabbing your bag on the way out of your apartment. You lock the door and see the black tahoe outside. You get into the backseat.

"Hey. It's been too long, Y/N. We really missed you."

"Glad to be back, missed you guys too."


You pull up to the prison you were just at a week before and see a tall stalky man walking out with a suitcase in his left hand. He looked well dressed and cleaned up. He was walking towards the gate. You get out of the car and begin walking up the sidewalk, slowly realizing who it was. 


He had a giant smile on his face, like a kid that just saw a ice cream truck. He looked towards you and his expression changed drastically. He looked suddenly really upset.

The gate opened and he came towards you. Emily and JJ were beside you. He set his suitcase down next to him and he looked you up and down.  

"Y/N. I missed you so fucking much." Suddenly, he grabs you and lifts you off the ground, spinning you around in the air. 

You begin giggling uncontrollably, knowing that this probably looked so odd. But you didn't care, you had wanted to feel his touch for months and you hadn't been able to. It was like you had met him for the first time again.

He placed you back on the ground and you could feel your smile grow bigger than it had ever been. He looked over at JJ and Emily and gave them each a hug. Then, wrapped his body around yours, letting you bury your head in his chest. You felt his warmth against your body and you leaned out. You both didn't even have to speak, you just loved being in each-others presence. 

You all got into the car and Spencer sat next to you. You laid your head on his shoulder and held him close to you. He placed his hand on your chin and made you look up at him.

"Spence. I'm in love with you."

"Hey! I was just about to say that."

"Man I really did ruin the moment huh?"

"No, it's still just as perfect as you are."

You felt your cheeks get red hot as he pulled you closer to him and let his lips hit yours. Your lips melted into eachothers, like they were made for each other. It felt so good, you didn't want it to end.

You felt his hand on your cheeks, holding you close to him. He needed you and you needed him.

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