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Everyone knew about Humanity's Strongest, Captain Levi, and everyone knew of his stoic if not cold and outright unforgiving personality. He could and regularly was one of the most unapproachable people in the whole of the Survey Corps. Usually, new recruits would learn from only a couple of interactions with the Captain that he wasn't interested in small talk or anything else of the sort.

Despite the personality that Levi had built up for himself rumors still managed to crop up now and then. Rumors not unlike the ones that met the ears of the members of the 104th cadet corps that had joined the ranks of the Survey Corps.

"He's definitely seeing someone."

"I saw him heading out of headquarters last night."

"Captain Levi bought flowers for someone yesterday!"

Sasha was generally the one most up to date on the rumors circulating around headquarters, you hear a lot when you're hanging around the mess hall most days and excitedly relayed them back to the rest of the group. From there it rapidly became the topic of many animated discussions during times when the group should have been training.

Until speculation reached a boiling point and someone maybe Jean or Connie (this was a point of contention) suggested that they start asking around and looking to see if the formidable Captain was actually seeing someone. The group went around headquarters- searching for Levi and asking anyone and everyone if they had heard the rumors.

"I'm sure that Captain Levi is seeing someone!" Sasha exclaimed sitting across from Squad Leader Hanji Zoe, "I saw him sitting with someone at a cafe the other day, and Eren swears that he saw a bouquet of flowers on his desk the other day."

"I just don't buy it- Captain Levi receiving flowers? Sorry but there's no way," Jean shook his head, dismissing Sasha's claims.

"I'm not lying Jean- they were roses," Eren retorted, causing a chorus of exaggerated gags and scattered giggles at the image of Humanity's Strongest awkwardly receiving a bouquet of roses.

"Levi with roses," Hanji chuckled, "now that's a sight I need to see."

"What do you think Hanji?" Christa beamed up at her.

"I think that the rumors are fun," the Squad Leader grinned widely.

"Have you heard anything? I mean you're much closer to him than we are," Armin pressed, the blond was unusually invested in this, probably out of sheer boredom.

"If I did, would I tell you?" Hanji's grin widened, "I don't pay much attention to those sorts of rumors, it'd be funny to see how he would react to them though." The group shuddered at the idea of whatever punishments Levi would dole out after hearing the gossip.

"Maybe we should ask someone else close to him?" Mikasa offered up.

The group began to head out of Hanji's cluttered office before a figure entered the room, a box of bandages under one arm.

"Hey Captain Y/N," Ymir greeted as Y/N slowed to a halt in front of the group.

"Oh," she paused, taking in the sight before her, "hello to all of you."

"You're finally back," Hanji cheered, rushing up to help her fellow Captain.

"Finally- Hanji have you heard the things they're saying about Levi? He would kill someone if he heard-" Y/N laughed loudly. The Captain was a friendly person who had a talent for getting close to just about everyone, even those who were more resistant to her advances like the aforementioned Captain Levi.

Consequently, she was usually the target of many scoldings from the shorter male. Nevertheless, the two seemed to have a fairly close friendship- at the very least she was comfortable enough to be joking about him loudly.

"You've also heard about the rumors?" Sasha turned her attention to Y/N.

"Well of course- they're hilarious."

"We think that they're real!" Eren joined in, "I saw roses on his desk!"

"No 'we' do not!" Jean protested, turning to the Captain, "I think it's bullshit."

"I just think it's fun to speculate," Ymir muttered.

"What the fuck are you gathered here for? Surely there's no reason to be crowding this disgusting office," the black-haired captain everyone had been talking fervently about entered the room.

"Nothing, just the rumors that you have been seeing someone."

"10 laps, all of you," Levi shot a pointed stare at the 104th, thoroughly dismissing any rumors.

"Good luck," Y/N shot them a look of pity before waving them away.

Hanji remained uncharacteristically silent, her gaze fixed on the two in front of her, a small knowing smile stretching out onto her features. "So when were you two going to tell me that you were dating."


ever so often i remember that  i have a oneshot book where my writing style is wildly inconsistent <3 so here have something in a style i will probably avoid using in the future ! mwah mwah

- ami

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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