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"Are you even listening to me?" I sighed.

You would think that my husband would care a little more but it's ok.

"Y/N I have some work to do just- leave me alone for a little bit," Levi waved me off his eyes trained on something or someone across the room.

Right 'work' all that HARD work you have to do in the cafeteria surrounded by thousands of people.

Not to mention her

God why did you have to remind me?

"Ok then get some rest at least you start filming tomorrow!" I shot him a weak smile waving a quick goodbye to the other people at the table.

As if he'll actually do that he's a workaholic.

"Yeah whatever," Levi muttered in response waving me off.

Why do I even try?

"Mrs. Ackerman did he at least talk to you today?" Eren my driver asked opening the car door.

Not really.

"Eren you know how much I hate that name," I furrowed my brows stepping into the backseat.

"You're avoiding my question- did you two talk about it?" He repeated starting up the car.

Absolutely not.

"No and I don't want to talk about it any longer just take me home," I closed my eyes the black leather interior mixing with the inky darkness of the night.

Cute imagery.

Aw thank you!

Its rlly np!!!

One Year Prior

"Levi meet Y/N," my father gestured at me glancing in between the two of us.

Oh absolutely not.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! I want absolutely nothing to do with any of these stuck up assholes!" I lashed out standing up from my seat.

I don't want to live like this.

"Look Y/N you need this- we need this!" My mother begged dashing into the room, grabbing onto my hand.

You want this.

"Give him a chance I promise he's different!" My father protested giving Levi a reassuring pat on the back before quickly leaving the room along with my mother.

You're horrible.

"For a family about to go bankrupt you're living nicely," he chuckled dryly taking a look around the room.


"What do you mean?" I asked sitting back down.

There's absolutely no way.

"Do you ever get out of the house?" He pulled out a phone messing around for a few seconds before passing it to me.

Do I look like I get out of the house?

"Tell you what if we both go along with what your parents want and get married I'll let you do whatever you want- we don't even have to see each other." Levi proposed leaning closer to him.


"Ok I'll do it," I nodded at him extending my hand.

And that's how this began.

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