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"Ok! Great show everybody!!!" Miss Jenn says.

"I would like to quickly apologize for my dramatic behavior before the show started, the anxiety was getting bad so I'm sorry" miss jenn apologizes

"Don't worry about it Ms.Jenn what matters is that we had fun! " Ricky says

"And we actually won so that's great!" Big red adds

"I know! I'm so proud of each and everyone of you! Oh and as a treat Big Red and his mom invited us to Salt Lake Slices we're well do a mini celebration of this great success" she says excitedly

**The cast excitedly agrees with Ms.Jenn and they all decide to meet each other at Salt lake Slices**

**ricky was still wearing his prince costume so he decides to go change; as he's walking to the dresses her bumps into ugh Lily**

Oh, hey I'm sorry Ricky says

No don't worry about it, it's my fault. Lily says

You were great out there wildcat. I'm proud of you. She chuckles

( Ricky chuckles) mhm. Thank you.

**they both stay silent for what seemed like forever; lily got lost in rickys brown eyes, and ricky in Lily's blue eyes. Then they lean in for a kiss**

**But little did they know nini had seen everything. Nini seeing her ex kiss the rival of EHS broke down into tears and ran before they could see her**

**after the kiss, they both chuckle and Ricky invites lily to their little feast**

You know your not such a bad person after all. Ricky smirks

**lily chuckles** why thank you !

(Ricky clears throat) well after this were all gonna hang at Salt Lake Slices wanna come?

Mmm. I would love to but I don't think anyone will want to see me there.

I'd still say you should come. Don't worry about what others think.

Ok I'll only come because you insit she smiles.

Ok great! After I'm done changing I'll drive you there sounds good?

Great! She says as she leaves

**As nini was still in her fork costume she decides to go change but before that she needed to find Ricky to hand him the card. She looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him. She decided to go change but then keep looking. On her way to her dressing room she spotted lily and Ricky she was about to leave until she saw them kiss. She instantly felt a strong pain that she had never felt before and left sobbing and running. She goes outside of the EHS building to take some fresh and cry all out**

**she sat in a little bench and cried and cried her eyes out. Hoping no one will see her. Then kourtney came looking for her**

Neeners, there you are! OMG the card you gave me is amazing tha- she's interrupted when she sees nini cry.

Nini what's up why are you crying?

Oh no it's nothing don't worry about it. Nini says trying to wipe off her tears.

Nini. You can tell me anything come on I'm your best friend. I'm here for you. She says while hugging her.

Long story short, I saw my ex kiss lily . She sobs.

OMG... really? Aww nini I can't imagine what your going through.

Why wound Ricky kiss lily, I mean she's not even all that or any close to being pretty. She looks like a plain piece of paper.

Nini laughs.

So does this mean that your not coming with us to salt lake slices?

I rather not. I'm gonna see Ricky anyway he doesn't know I saw them kiss. But I want you to go please don't stay with me I don't wanna ruin your night ok?

Fine. I'll go but I'll be checking up on you ever minute ok?




Promise you won't tell anyone?

Promise. This is safe with me.

Thanks. I love you ❤️

I love you more nini.

**nini stays sitting at the bench, when she hears a familiar voice**

Part of the heart broken club aren't ya?

Jack?! Nini ask surprisingly.

The one and only. Jack chuckles

**Gina introduce jack to ALL her friends (except Ricky) before including nini**

What are you doing here? Nini sniffles

What else? I came to see you guys. You were great out there.

Thanks. She chuckles.

So this dude named um.. Ricky kissed this girl named lily?

You were eavesdropping?! Omg jack ...

Hey I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry that this happened.

It's okay it's not your fault anyway.

So Big red invited me over to his pizza place. He gave me the address.... Wanna come?? He smirks..

Thanks. But I'd rather stay here.

I no your not in the mood but this will be a great distraction! Cmon. Jack begged her politely and annoyed her also

Fine! But only because you annoyed me so bad.

Great! Umm you go change and I'll wait for you right here. Sound good ?

OMG?! I forgot!!! I'm still in my fork costume OMG how embarrassing I even came outside OMG!!!!

**nini runs to her dressing room to change**

Don't take too long. Jack shouts.

**minutes later nini changes and jack drives her to salt lake slices. When they get there most of the cast was already there including Ricky and lily**

Omg, are you kidding me ? He brought lily too? Omg i knew this was a bad idea.

Oooh so that's lily?

Hey don't worry it'll be fun! Jack says excitedly

Yeah, it'll be fun seeing your ex with your schools rival.

Don't worry. Your being dramatic. Well stay together and whatever Happens or whatever you need know that im here. Ok?

Ok. Thank you for this and everything.

**jack smiles**

**as there both about to enter the pizzeria, nini gets nervous as she sees Ricky at the door. Jack feeling the tension and how nervous she was decided to do something**

Wanna hold my hand? He asks.

Don't take it of wrong just as friends besides your pretty nervous.

**nini breathes in and out and holds jacks hand. She instantly feels peace and comfort**

Better? He asks

Better. Nini asures him.

**as they walk together to the door holding hands Ricky greets them and immediately gets jealous and ask nini who is he. As he was the only one who hadn't met Jack**

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞 - 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐱 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐢 💙 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now