X: Assigned

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Ten: Assigned



The plane landed just after noon. They took a cab from the airport to the Kremlin. As the guards let them in and they walked to Stanislaw's room, where he should be expecting them, Mikhail asked Nadezhda something:

"How will the interview go?"

"With Stanislav?" She scoffed. "He is a proud buffoon, just answer everything with a "sir" in the end, tell him how great of an opportunity it is, how grateful you are and you should be fine. I honestly don't know what he's going to ask you, I've only been present in a couple of his interviews and none of them were for spies going to the US. I should think that he'll ask you more questions but be prepared for the usual. Nothing too far from what I asked you when you first went to Berlin, do you remember?"

"I do. Standard procedure, you said back then."

"Precisely," they crossed the door to the reception hall of Stanislav's office. Nadia smiled at Alla, who smiled back. "Good morning, Alya. Is Stanislav waiting for us?"

"He is, Nadezhda Andreevna. You may go in," she said, indicating the door.

"Thank you. That's Alla Aleksevna, his secretary. Lovely girl, she is," she explained to Mikhail while they walked to the door.

Nadezhda knocked and entered. Stanislav raised his eyes from the paper in front of him to analyze the two figures that entered his room.

"Ah, Nadezhda Andreevna, I was wondering when you would get here. I assume that's Mikhail Nikolayevich Orlov."

"So he is," she said.

"Have a seat," he said, indicating the chair in front of his desk. "I take it Nadezhda Andreevna has already informed you on why you're here."

"She has. You're seeking a spy to go to America and you think I might be able to do it."

"Precisely. You performed a very important task when you retrieved those documents from the embassy and I have been told you wished for a promotion outside of Berlin. Given this recent opportunity that appeared, - and your undeniable skill - I'm considering you for the position."

"That's very kind. I appreciate your trust. It would be an honour to serve the Union in the United States. I am very grateful."

"I'm glad to hear. Well, first we have some talking to do so I know you're capable of taking the position. I'll just ask you some questions and I want you to answer honestly."

"Of course."

"You're not married, I see, but do you have a fiancé, a girlfriend, a lover, a sweetheart, any woman in your life that could make you want to leave before the operation is over?"

"No, Stanislav Vasilievich."

"Do you have any children?"

"No, Stanislav Vasilievich."

"Good. Having children could put things in danger. I've been told you speak ten languages, though I'm not sure which. Do you speak English?"

"Fluently, Stanislav Vasilievich. My uncle has lived in London since he was little and taught me everything I know."

"So you've learned it from the English?" He nodded, "Could you fake an American accent?"

"Hollywood's taught me how to, Stanislav Vasilievich. I think I can be quite convincing at it."

"Good. Do you drive?"

"I do, Stanislav Vasilievich."

"We might need to find you a job in the Pentagon to help you infiltrate there, I'm asking it because chauffeurs are always needed everywhere. Just two more questions... Do you have any weaknesses?"

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