chapter seventy.

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"You really have a way with words," Claudia chuckled. Ben didn't deny it. He knew how to make her blush after all. "Do you want something to eat? I'm sure theres some pancake mix left."

"I'm okay, I actually have to talk to you about something. It's important." Ben grabbed her hand and led her to the living room. They sat beside each other on the couch.

Claudia waited for Ben to talk. He had a look on his face that made her feel nervous. Surely it wasn't anything bad. "I want to know if you are serious about us . . . I really like you. Like a lot and we both have our own jobs that keep us busy," he looked at her. "what i'm trying to say is, do you want be in a relationship right now? I get it if you don't have time for one, I respect your decision. We've kissed and held hands and some stuff,"

Claudia lightly chuckled at his words. "I know what you mean, Ben. And I like you too. A lot. I know we have busy schedules, but I think we can make it work. I believe it will."

"I really want to kiss you right now," Ben said with a giant smile on his face.

"Guess what? I really want to kiss you too." Claudia replied and with that she leaned forward and placed her lips on Ben's. She was so focused on Ben that she failed to notice her mom, looking surprised, just feet away from them.

"Holy motherfucking shit! It happened! Oh shit, sorry, I'll leave! Continue with your lovey dovey activities," Janis rambled and quickly left the living room. "Claudia, I need to talk to you after you're done!" She called out.

Claudia pulled back and laughed, and leaned her head on Ben's shoulder. "You mentioned your friend worked at a restaurant, the mexican one, right? You wanna go?"

Ben chuckled. "Sure, if you wanna see Lucy again."

Claudia lifted her head. "What?"

"Lucy's family owns the restaurant. Remember when I kinda fucked up and said my date bailed on me because her niece had a recital to go to? Well that was Lucy. I should've phrased it better." Ben explained. He watched as Claudia started to laugh nervously.

"Oh. That makes so much sense. Like a lot, explains so much. Oh my god." She looked away embarrassed.

"Wait a minute, did you get jealous when I said my date bailed on me?" Ben asked curiously. "Was the Claudia Donovan jealous of Lucy the Twilight obsessed girl?"

Claudia looked back at him. "I didn't know it was Lucy so shut up!" She playfully punched his arm. "Holy shit, I just realized Lucy was our waitress once. She served us some really good Horchata. We have to go back now."

Before Claudia could get up from her spot, Ben held her back. "Your mom still wants to talk to you."

"And we will. I've lived with her for so long. I know when she's mad, sad, all of the above. She's going to talk to me about Nate, I just know it," She finally got up from the couch and walked around it. "I'll be quick."

"Hey, wait," Ben said before she fully left. "You don't have to answer truthfully, but do you ever plan on calling Nate, you know . . . Dad?"

Claudia didn't think about that, if she was being honest. That was the least of her worries. Nate was only her dad for a couple months then he was just a stranger. Even if she did decide to call him dad, she knew Janis would say something.

"I don't have an answer. I don't know." Claudia sighed.

"It's okay. I'll be here waiting." Ben nodded at her.

Claudia then searched for Janis. She finally found her with Edward in the backyard sitting on a wooden bench covered in tiny painted handprints belonging to a young Claudia. Even Janis had dipped her hand in paint and joined Claudia in on the fun.

"Hey, kiddo, how's it going?" Edward smiled brightly. "How are things with you and the guy that works for me?"

"Very good, actually. Thanks for asking, Ed. Ma, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Claudia asked Janis.

"Just small talk, my dear little devil girl. I have agreed to speak with deadbeat Nate and loser Lara. One one condition, just the one. You have to be out of the house. Even you Edward. I won't throw anything or hurt anyone. I'll listen to them, I promise." Janis sat up and looked at Claudia with a serious expression.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Edward asked.

"Are you doubting me? I'm Janis Donovan, I can control myself for three hours!" Janis exclaimed.

"You're going to talk to them for three hours?" Claudia asked concerned for everyone's safety. "You can do alot in three hours."

"Murder, treason, arson, kidnapping," Edward listed. "cooking bagels too. Bagels are tasty."

"They're naked donuts, shut up," Janis kissed Edward's cheek. "Point is, I'm willing to listen to what they have to say? Aren't you proud of me?"

"I am. And I know you can do it. Just actually listen because you said the same thing when it was my third grade award ceremony. You ended up falling asleep before it started." Claudia said.

"Not true. I woke up when the principal said your name. I was the loudest bitch in the auditorium cheering for my troublemaker kid." Janis placed a kiss on Claudia's forehead.

"I'll give you that. Thank you for doing this, ma." Claudia hugged Janis.

"Anything for my girl who kissed a famous person."

All Claudia could do was laugh. But in her mind, she was having a breakdown. Her mom alone with two people she hated? She wished she was dreaming.

An: hey guys gals and nonbinary pals, how's your day/night?

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