A date and Orc attack

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Steven pov

As I warp back to the beach house I can't but thank that white was hiding something from me...

As I warp into the beach house I'm supised to see none other then Connie.

"Steven!" She says hugging me and kissing me.

"Hey Connie." I say smiling tired.

"Where where you? I told you I was coming over."

"I'm sorry Connie, i just... Had to go take care of something."

Connie seems to notice how off I seem and is about to ask but dosen't.

"Hey why don't we go out on a date?" I ask.

"Sure, I'd love to." She says smiling with a blush.

I grab my keys as we head out I look to see the gems along with bismuth, peridot and lapis playing volleyball.

"Hey guys." I wave.

"Hi steven." Lapis says smiling with a blush on her face.

"Heads up!"

"Heads up!" As Amythest slams the volleyball ball hitting lapis right in the face.

"Lapis!" I yell going to her.

"Ow" she says holding her hurt cheek.

"Here this should help." I say as I gently kiss her hurt cheek.

Lapis pov

I feel my self turn a dark blue when steven kisses my cheek as he heals my cheek.

"There, all better." He says with a toothy grin.

"Th-thanks steven." I say blushing.

I then look to see Connie and she dose not look to pleased.

"Come on Steven we should be going now." She says grabing him by his hand and pulling him away.

"Will I'll talk to you guys later, bye." He says leaving with Connie.

I frown as they leave I wish I could tell steven how I feel, but... I don't want to ruin his relationship with Connie.

But eversince he freed me from the mirror and showed me how beautiful the earth is my feelings for him have only grown.

Little did I know that soon everything I know and love is about to change forever...

Steven pov

I go to the store and grab food and a picnic basket and take connie down to a lake.

"This is nice." Connie says with a smile.

"Yeah..." I say but my mind is else where.

I can't get over the fact that white looked so scared after looking into my mind, is she hiding something?

Just then we hear what sounds like screaming in the distance.

"What was that?" Connie ask growing concernd.

"I don't know, let's check it out."

We soon come to a small town to see its almost completely burned to the ground.

"What happened here?"

We walk for a bit intell we here talking.

"Move you unless maggats!" As we look to see monstrous looking creatures hitting people.

"What the?..." I say shocked

"We must get them to mordor quickly, the dark lord has ordered an assault on this little Homeworld and the witch-king will lead us. The captain says

"What?..." Connie says.

"Hey you!" We turn to see that a few of them have seen us.

"Get them!" The captain yells.

I immediately summon my shield and block there attacks.

"Connie run!" I yell as i throw my shield beheading one of them and run to my car.

We immediately jump into my car and drive out of there.

"Steven what was that!? What were they?" She ask

"I don't know... But we're going to tell the gems." I say now certain that something is in fact wrong.

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