One of them is Sick

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Chapter 7

Badd, Garou has noticed, is a lot like a mother. He is always making sure that we're ok, always everyone besides him. So when he's suffering he handles it himself, he'd never want Zenko to see him in bad shape. Yesterday it was raining a lot during Badd's and many other hero's patrols. Badd was just finishing his so he didn't count on being thrown into a fight. Sure it was quick but when he got home he was soaking.

Now in the present Badd barely being able to tell the Hero Association that he had caught a cold. Of course, he was forced by his boyfriend Garou since this dumbass thought he could still fight. Once setting the phone down he sighed as he leaned back into bed. "I could still fight" he grumbled coughing right after Garou was unamused "Sure big man you could fight and get yourself killed" he stated with a roll of his eyes.

Zenko was not there at the moment, she was at a friends house she has been since yesterday. Garou sighed as he looked at Badds sick figure, sure he was a hero but the man pushed himself a bit too far. He was still human as was Garou, which is why it hurt him to look at his partner like that. He got up from the end of the bed "Need anything?" Badd shook his head Garou shook his head of course that would be his answer.

So he took off to the kitchen looking for Badd's favorite cup while heating up some water. Getting two tea bags and put them on the cup along with some hunny, knowing Badd's not too fond of sweets. Once the kettle was doing the usual scream once done. Stirring the contents in the cup together thinking of other things sick people need.

He remembers that his mother would make him chicken soup and give him some pills. He looked through the cabinets and found what he was looking for, headache relief. He was with his to know enough about his body language, in more ways than one, so he could tell that his head hurt.

When he came back into the room he was able to see that Badd was sitting up trying to get up. Garou quickly put the cup down and pushed him back. In response, he got a glare.

Badd huffed as he leaned back into the boar behind him Garou handed him his tea and pills, he again glared. Garou chuckled and cupped his face he was warm, he sighed as he stood back up. "I'm going to make food." he looked at the younger boy sharply "Do. Not. Get. Up... Please" he was walking out looked back to where he was now on his second pill.

The kitchen was empty without one of the siblings, he just noticed how dreary the house looked. The silence was so loud. He quickly found a cookbook and got to work. He can't hold a candle to Badd but he thought he was a decent cooker. He poured a decent about of soup into the bowl and put it onto a small table along with a spoon and napkin.

He walked back to the room where a board looking badd was reading up on some notes the teachers gave him. He looked up hearing his boyfriend enter, he then saw the food. It was then placed in front of him. He slowly picked up the spoon said thanks for the food and ate, ate, and ate.  He was hungry but he hadn't told Garou, he's like a stubborn kid Garou huffed in his mind as he saw Badd slowly put the spoon down.

"Was it good" Garou questioned really wanting feedback, "it's fine" he said looking to the side. Garou chuckled smiling softly at the other. He took the empty dirty dishes and left the little table a pon request. He quickly washed them and returned to find Badd still studying.

"Stop that." Garou whined pulling the book from him as well as the table. "Then what am I supposed to do?" He questioned the older male to which got his signature smirk on, that had Badd question what he was about to do. "What are you thi- Ahh Garou put me back down!" Badd shouted in protest as Garou had picked him up bridal style.

"You wanted something to do right let's go to the living room" he stated continuing his walk to the living room. Setting the pompadour wearer on the couch, getting the control giving it to the other male.

We then went and got a cover, a box of titues, and a small trash can. Walking back with these items, he then set them down and layed down himself. With Garou's head in Badds thighs, which in his opinion were a gift from god, he soon fell asleep with a hand running through his hair.

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