Solomon x Gender Neutral MC

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"God I want you so bad" Solomon whispered in MC ear. The sudden low mumbling in MC ear made MC severely flustered.
"Well should've thought about that when you made plans" MC teased. Solomon rolled his eyes. He always loved teasing MC when the two were in public but today he was extra needy.
"We'll see about that" He pulled MC into a hug from behind rubbing himself against MC.
"Sol- st-stop we're in public" MC tried to maintain their composure but it was difficult for them.
"Fine fine" Solomon moved away from MC and they continued to walk to the nearest store. Solomon continue to tease MC until Solomon remembered something.
"What?" MC questioned. Solomon smiled widely at MC before pulling out a small bottle.
"Remember how you promised me you would try this?" Solomon was holding a small potion that is known to make people extremely lustful.
"But-" Before MC could finish they were interrupted by Asmo and Mammon bickering.
"Hey MC Solomon, wait what are you two doing together? What's that bottle thing you are holding?" Mammon began to interrogate the two. Before Mammon could grab the potion MC took it and drank it. A light blush appeared on their face and they smiled as they got an idea.
"Oh nothing it was to help my headache, but hey since you guys are here we should buy an outfit together." MC smiled and held Solomons hand.
"Sure! it would be so fun we can go shopping here." Asmo began to drag MC into the nearest clothing shop and the others followed. Mammon and Solomon sat on the only two available seats near the fitting rooms so MC decided it would be a great time to put their plan into action.
"There's nowhere to sit. I'm sure you won't mind Solomon" MC sat on Solomons lap. His face turned a bright red but he hid it. Mammon was focused on scamming people on the internet.
"You're fine... All fine." Solomon tried to remain calm but as soon as he finished talking MC began to grind against Solomon's lap. MC even turned and softly moaned in Solomon's ear.
"MC I have something for you to try on" MC smiled and walked to Asmo.
Solomon was a bright red at this point. He doesn't think he could last the rest of the day without losing it.
MC continued to tease Solomon from a distance. Solomon sat back and begin to think. If a show is what MC wants then a show is what MC will get.
Solomon began to place a Voodoo spell on MC so whatever Solomon feels they could feel it too. Solomon began to lightly touch the sides of his neck. The spell seemed to be working as MC stared at Solomon with needy eyes. Solomon smiled to himself.
"Asmo that looks really nice-" MC bit their lip holding back a moan. They quickly turned to Solomon and saw that he gently brushed over his groin area. MC was desperate now with the mix of the potion and the spell Solomon put MC was about to lose it.
"What's wrong?" Asmo questioned with a grin on his face he had an idea of what was going on.
"I forgot my DDD at purgatory hall." MC tried to sound convincing.
"Oh no you should probably go get it, and take Sol with you so he can help with your problem" Asmo laughed as MC turned red but Solomon smirked.
"Thank you Asmo, I'll help MC really well." Solomon continued to smirk. As soon as the two walked out of the store, they began to speed walk to purgatory hall.
"Why would you do that?" Solomon questioned.
"What?" MC asked innocently knowing what they did. Solomon stopped walking and pulled MC back.
"You're lucky we're in public but when we get to purgatory hall i'll show you exactly what you did" Solomon whispered in MC's ear then kissed their neck. MC shivered at the tone of his voice.
As they got to purgatory hall MC got more and more excited they both headed to Solomon's room and Solomon locked the door.
"You want to know what you did? Well here you go." Solomon dragged MC by the hand to a nearby couch and sat them on his lap. He let out a soft moan which turned on MC more but before they could comment they were cut off as Solomon began to move MC's hips back and forth to grind on Solomon hard dick.
MC began to moan uncontrollably but Solomon wanted more. He began to kiss MC's neck while grinding on them. The sensations drive MC insane.
"Is this what you wanted? Because it's still not enough for me." Solomon stood MC up and took off his pants. He started to undress MC and placed small kisses everywhere.
MC decided to return the favor and undress Solomon. They left small kisses on his neck and found themself already near his groin.
"Go ahead" Solomon smirked down at MC who seemed eager to taste him. MC began to suck him making sure to enjoy every inch of him. Solomon put his head back and began to move MC's head to the pace he wanted.
"I enjoy hearing you like this" MC couldn't reply but they gagged before they could say anything. Solomon let MC breathe for a bit.
"Sol, please... fuck me" MC cried out.
"I mean if you're that needy" Solomon placed MC back on his lap and placed his throbbing dick outside of MC entrance teasing them a bit before fully going in.
"Please..." MC begged. Solomon slowly put himself in fully and went slowly making sure MC could feel every thrust. MC was moaning uncontrollably finally getting what they wanted. Solomon placed kisses all over MC leaving hickies where he liked. Occasionally moaning against their neck.
"I'm going to-" Before MC could finish their statement Solomon picked up his pace and finished with MC.
They both sat there for a while out of breath and still moaning. Solomon was the first to move and he grabbed his phone.
"What are you doing?" MC questioned. Solomon took a photo of MC and smiled.
"It's a reminder, anytime you want to act like that again..." Solomon smirked.
MC blushed and stared at Him. Solomon carried MC into his bed laid down with them. They both cuddled for a bit and fell asleep.

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