Teasing Solomon x Male MC

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Solomon could obviously tell that the brother's liked MC but Solomon wanted to get under their skin. Today he was having dinner at the house of Lamentation and he has this amazing plan just to bother them. Solomon did have other intentions with this, maybe peaking a certain human's interest but getting on the brothers' last nerve would be a plus.
Solomon heads inside the house with MC. Mammon sighed a bit Solomon has always given him an off vibe. They went to go sit at the table right next to MC. The other brother's all sat down. Today was Belphie's turn to make food. As they waited for food to be ready Solomon decided to play with MC's hair. MC moaned a bit while his hair was getting played with. He covered his mouth regretting the noise he made.
"That's a pretty sound you made wonder if I can make you do it more." Solomon placed a small kiss on MC's neck.
"Hey what do ya think your doing! We're about to eat" Mammon broke the silence.
"Yes please it's gross watching this" Levi agreed.
"What? I'm just being nice to MC.
MC drank some water while the three argued. Asmo was blabbing about his new skincare routine.
"Ohhh Belphie that looks great" MC looked at Belphie that's bringing in the food.
"That's not the only that I want to put in my mouth." Solomon brushes his hand over MC's lap. MC's face flushed as Solomon grabs MC's dick.
"Ehem-" Asmo seemed to be the only one who noticed what Solomon was talking about. The rest of dinner was quiet Solomon managed to get all the brothers constantly staring at him.
Solomon continued to flirt with MC.
After dinner Levi went to his room and everyone went to the living room. The tension was so thick you wouldn't be able to breathe in it.
"There's nowhere to sit, MC do you mind?" Solomon sat on MC's lap. Solomon made sure to position himself so that he could properly grind against him.
"Solomon..." MC groaned a bit. They knew Solomon had been teasing him all day.
"You feel nice... You know you're even warm." Solomon hugged MC and placed his head on the crook of MC's neck.
"Solomon- that's enough" Satan sighed.
"What-" Solomon smirked.
"I believe enough is enough" Lucifer stepped in he had this look in his eyes that no one has seen before.
"Everything is okay" MC smiled. He noticed that everyone was a bit tense but he didn't mind Solomon's flirting.
"Are you sure?" Lucifer grit his teeth a bit. He is trying so hard not to go into his demon form.
"Yeah everything is fine... is that new cologne?" Solomon turned to MC and leaned close to his neck inhaling deeply. Solomon licked his lips and placed a warm kiss on MC's neck. MC blushed a bit still making eye contact with Lucifer. He figured what Solomon was doing now, and he didn't mind it. Maybe he should amp it up a little.
"Well, I can show you what kind later, it's in my room" MC smirked. Lucifer scoffed and sat down.
"Well maybe you can show me other things in your room later" Solomon looked up and smiled.
The demon brothers looked at the two jealousy filled the room. Satan gritted his teeth. He seemed the angriest. Asmo shot daggers at the two. He liked them both but the idea of them having fun without him pissed him off. Though a threesome wouldn't hurt.
"Maybe" MC liked the idea of the brothers getting jealous, he wonders what they would do once they've reached their breaking point.
The next day Solomon walked MC to class. He enjoyed riling the brothers up.
"Ah thank you, is there anyway i can repay you." MC grinned teasing Solomon in front of Mammon and Beel.
"Maybe a kiss" He smiled looking at the demons.
"Well okay" MC placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Maybe you can thank me with something else later. Maybe involving more things with your mouth" Solomon walked out of class while MC's felt his face grow a bit warm. He sat down next to the other two demons and smiled.
"So you and Solomon..." Beel furrowed his brows.
"What about him" MC questioned. He smiled looking at the two jealous demons.
"I've had enough, MC i'm ya first why don't you treat me that way. Not some loser sorcerer" Mammon groaned. "No you know what, you're going to make it up to me" Mammon smiled.

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