Belphie x Gender Neutral MC

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Belphie decided to wait for MC to get home so the two could cuddle and just hang out together. He always loved sleeping in MC's room, the smell of them put him at ease and suddenly he dozed off.
A half an hour passed and MC got home and walked into their room. They noticed Belphie fast asleep on their bed and they smiled. They decided not to wake him and let him sleep for a bit. They silently did their homework on the floor as Belphie slept. MC gave a few quick glances smiling at his sleepy face.
"mmm MC just like that, you're being so good" Belphie moaned. MC shot their head straight up looking at Belphie noticing he's still asleep. MC blushed aggressively and continued to do their work. Belphie began to moan MC's name again. This made MC a bit needy. They wanted to feel just as good as Belphie. Just the thought leads a small moan to escape their lips. They didn't notice that their computer was on full volume and they accidentally played a video while thinking snapping them out of their thoughts.
"Turn that shit off" Belphie groaned. MC quickly turned off their computer and stared at Belphie.
"I'm sorry-" MC was quickly interrupted.
"I was actually having a good dream, you know?" Belphie said with an irritated tone.
"I'm sorry..." MC was speechless.
"Yeah words won't just cut it." Belphie walked up to MC while taking off his belt.
"How can I prove that i'm sorry." MC knows that Belphie wasn't really upset but his aggressiveness turned on MC extremely.
"Well" MC was already sitting on the floor so Belphie's groin was in front of MC's face. "You're going to help me with this dream" Belphie smirked.
"O-Okay-" Belphie unzipped his pants and his cock sprang free. Before MC could finish speaking Belphie already held MC's hair and pushed their head towards his dick.
"It isn't going to suck itself come on" Belphie stuffed his hard dick in MC's mouth.
MC began to suck him feeling him hit the back of their throat every time. They moaned with every thrust. Belphie began to moan he pushed himself deeper in MC's mouth causing MC to gag.
"God MC you're so good. I might have to reward you." Belphie pulled MC up by the hair and kissed MC. He began to undress MC he left long kisses all over MC's body. He bit MC's neck and made sure he left marks.
Belphie lead MC to the bed and went on top of them.
"You look so cute right now. Your needy eyes your drool covered face. All you can think about right now is having me fuck you, gosh you're just too cute right now." Belphie smirked. Mc got a bit flustered but was severely needy. They wanted to feel Belphie's throbbing dick in them pounding into them.
Belphie began to tease MC's entrance by just rubbing his dick around the entrance. He smirked as MC began to squirm.
"F-fuck you." MC moaned. They meant it in a playful manner but Belphie looked MC in the eyes and rammed himself into MC. He didn't move after slamming in.
"If you want it so bad, beg. Come on you already look like a desperate slut" He leaned down and whispered in MC's ear, "I know you want it"
MC began to grind their hips to get a bit of pleasure but Belphie held their hips down.
"Please.. Please... Please Belphie, Please I'm desperate" MC broke quickly.
"That's my needy whore" Belphie groaned as he began to thrust into MC. For the Demon of sloth his pace was so quick but this led to MC on the verge of cumming. Belphie could tell MC was about to finished due to their moans getting louder and breather.
He stayed at the same pace but as soon as MC reached their high Belphie started to go faster till suddenly he was finishing in MC. He pulled out and stared at MC.
"Belphie-" MC said out of breath.
"Sh i'm admiring my work." He looked at the sweaty out of breath MC. His Cum was leaking out of MC. He smiled to himself.
"Let's get you cleaned up." Belphie carried MC into the bathroom that's attached to their room.
"I can do it myself" MC said.
"Let me take care of you" He smiled setting up a bath for MC.

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