Chapter 4

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Daphne's pov:

Adelard and I were talking til about 2 am when I had to leave thru the bookshelf/door. He was more then infuriated when I told him about what Vincenzo had tried to attempt on me but luckily I was able to calm him down. But, something that left me in an enlarged anger was that the king of Italy, also known as Adelard's father was an abusive dick bag. Adelard deserves nothing but happiness genuinely, with me in his life though... I don't think that would happen. I am probably doomed to a life with Vincenzo considering his father sent an arrangement for us to spend the day together meaning they are probably setting up more arrangements for us to be together. It makes me enraged how he tried to touch me and I still have to see him constantly . Vincenzo reminds me of my ex, Leonardo, he had hurt me in so many ways, touched me, opened up extreme insecurities off mine, beat me but Eros beat him up after I told him and he had done it well considering he had very many marks on an open display, Eros had utterly bloody hands. But after all I had never seen Leonardo after that day which made me so very happy and more trustworthy towards Eros.

But I had to get ready for one of the shittiest days ever. I did my basic hygiene routine, the maids did my hair in a flourishing braid, but I had also decided to put my brown slacks on with a silky white shirt that I would usually wear for any form of outdoor training but I have not decided to put in any effort to my attire due to today being terrible already. I even let my braid fall a bit messy. One of the maids had called me down for breakfast but sadly Vincenzo was already there with a large grin and an ugly ass outfit which fit his ugly self and personality. "Hello Princess, how did you sleep?" How could he act so innocent? "Pretty shit. There was this guy yesterday who was being a total dick." I say simply while sitting down and taking an improper bite just to irritate him.

"Well, maybe that guy just simply needed you? Either way you are a lady why are you do discourse such manner? You really should not continue speaking that way. It may affect your chances of a matrimony and you do not need that!" He says rather harshly. God why are princes such misogynist assholes? Its like its imprinted in their minds or some such! "And, you are a man so why do you feel the need to be such an asshole? Huh? I happen to think that is very unmanly. You know what, I am a lady, but I am also Daphne fucking Windsor so I will speak how I like until I don't have to!" I say crossing my legs and taking a bite into my meal. He keeps quiet until we both finish our meal. "So what else are we doing for our day of fun prince-a-boo?" I say with a sarcastic pout. "Well, if you would like I was wondering if we could go apple picking? Today is rather nice. The apples are sprouting nicely so maybe we shall go pick some." He says which shocks me since he did not seem like much of the apple picking type. "Shockingly, I like apple picking so yes that would be nice." I say getting up and going towards the back of the castle where the apple trees are located with Vincenzo and many guards following.

Vincenzo catches up to me then stands by my side looking a bit shocked due to the amount of apple trees we have. Who could blame him we do in fact have a shit ton of apple trees. "You can pick the tree we pick from Princess." He says before handing me a large basket. "You can call me Daphne by the way this always calling me 'Princess' is getting irritating. But anyways the one over there is cute." I say walking towards it and immediately being blinded by the sun but then collecting myself. "Good choice Prin- Daphne." He says picking a shiny apple then placing it in the basket. I quickly begin picking some myself. "Daphne, I am sorry for what I attempted yesterday it was more than wrong and nothing can change that but I would at least like to offer an apology for being an uh 'dick'." He says with sympathy picking out another apple. "Thanks for the apology but I don't forgive you nor will I ever." I say genuinely with a sarcastic smile then picking out a really big apple.

3 hours later...

I am tired but not of apple picking, I am tired of Vincenzo he talks so damn much like I could not even have a minute to let the sun sink in without him speaking. But he went to his quarters after apple picking and I am on my way to mine. "Hello Princess, I was wondering if you would like to take a stroll?" The prince of France says nicely with a cute smile. I nod then he takes me in his arm which I would have pushed him but I don't know I just felt a sense of comfort with him which is odd but I am gonna choose to ignore it. "So, I noticed you were with the prince of Italy today. How was that?" He says nonchalantly. "It was okay. The apples were more extravagant looking today to be honest." I say with a smile remembering how nicely they looked today. "I know you will probably end up with Vincenzo in matrimony and I am not mad about that since Italy is a very wealthy continent but would it be wrong if we had a dance 'ma lady?" He says uncuffing our arms but lending a hand out for me to take. Genuinely I had not even noticed we entered the ball room. I nod then music starts to play specifically 'Salut d'amour'. Taking his hand we start a proper dance "So, Prince what even is your name if you mind me asking?" I say honestly considering I don't know very much about the french monarchy. "Julien. I know it's not very fun but my Mother taught me it had a good meaning." The prince Julien said which sounded very sweet since not many princes admire their mothers.

Julien spun me around then the song began to end. "That is very sweet, genuinely. My mother actually named me after her Mother who died when I was 7. But I feel lucky that I got to know so much about her." I say with a genuine smile before the song ends and we walk out of the ballroom to be met with the smell of dinner being in the garden. "I forgot to tell you I arranged for us to have dinner out here. Listen, I know i told you I am not mad about you going into matrimony with Vincenzo but I would love if we could be friends." "Uh sure!" I say before taking a seat and then a bite into the top layer of what appears to be onion soup? Which I had never had but it tastes amazing. "Is this onion soup?" I say taking a large portion of the soup and sipping it. Julien laughs at my question which is odd but opens his mouth to take a sip of the soup as well. "Yes, it is my mothers exact recipe actually." "Shit you cook?" I say kind of shocked considering this actually one of the best things I have ever tasted. Julien lets out a huge laugh followed by a snort, Probably at my profanity. "Yes, I do cook. My mom taught me in secret since my dad thought cooking was for the workers but cooking is also really fun so I tend to enjoy it. It would be nice for us to cook one day, you look like you would cook a really good pastry of some sort." "Wow so you're like the cooking psychic? Actually yes I would love to cook with you but one problem is.. I never really have cooked other then some sandwiches if that counts."

"I am what they call a good teacher so I would love to teach you." Julien says kindly with a chuckle.

1 Hour Later (Sorry!)

"Goodnight Daphne." Julien says then I reply the same before heading off to my room but half way I am met with Adelards kind face "Sleep well Daffodil." Adelard says quickly zooming off to who knows where. The nickname makes me think of the time we spent together.

"You know you have a lot of brightness like an um hmm maybe a daffodil? But Daffodils also have crazy chemicals so I feel like that really represents your personality." Adelard says with a laugh but I throw a pillow at his face muffling it as I laugh like I have not laughed in ages.

The memory is short but nice. I see Eros and Alfonso outside my door with worried faces but then they both notice me, leaving an entrance for me to enter my room which I do with them following after. They close the door before Eros opens his mouth to speak but Alfonso speaks up "Daphne do you think relationships between the workers and royalty should happen?" Alfonso says angrily looking at Eros "Well it is not ideal but it is not really my business either but if you want my full opinion I would say no unless you have a plan to runaway or some such. Why?" I say confusedly. "Well your twin Eros here wants to ask Lisa out. LISA! The maid who has been working for us since you both were 10! You should not see her that way!"

"Eros is this true?" I say shocked considering well all the things Alfonso said were true and also their was a time where Lisa and I had a little something but I choose to ignore that time frame so it is kind of weird my brother likes her out of all people. "Yes, Lisa and I have been conversing at certain times, I really do think I may like her but she is a maid." Eros says in guilt which I am still shocked about


Sorry this chapter sucked but it was a bit rushed and unplanned.

Opinions about Daphne?

Eros and Lisa?




Feel free to point out all my mistakes please. I will not take offense!

Have a nice day or night! :)

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