Day 6

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"Ah, such a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the eliminated contestants are running around... wait, that's not right!" Viking rushes over to the window and sees Black, Green, Sky and Yellow.

"The eliminated contestants are back!" Viking rushes out of his house. "For this challenge the teams will be temporarily broken up. If you catch an eliminated contestant, you are automatically immune from elimination. The last eliminated contestant to be caught rejoins!"

Red looks out from behind a bush and sees Sky sitting beneath a tree. "This should be easy." he thinks. He's right. He grabs Sky and brings him to Viking. "Red is immune and Sky doesn't rejoin!" Viking announces.

Lime spots Yellow. He walks out to her. "Hey Yellow, come with me." "Not until you give me a cookie." Lime walks over to Blue. "Hey Blue, have you got any cookies?" "Yeah. Here's one." Lime goes back over to Yellow with the cookie. "Will you come now?" Yellow agrees. She eats the cookie then follows Lime to Viking. "Lime is immune and Yellow doesn't rejoin!" he announces.

Black and Green look at each other. "So, one of us is returning." Black hands Green a walkie-talkie. "Whichever one of us rejoins, we'll be able to communicate." Black and Green notice Magenta standing in front of them. Magenta runs in and grabs one of them.

"Magenta has immunity this elimination, and the rejoiner is... Green." Black sighs. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll return at the next rejoin." "We need to decide which team Green joins. Play rock-paper-scissors for him."

"I'll play for           ." says Blue. "I'll go for something stupid." says White. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Blue and White launch out their hands. Blue is on scissors, White paper. "Blue wins, so                         gets the rejoiner!"

"But for now, it's elimination time. Red, Lime and Magenta have immunity. Green will also have immunity since he just rejoined. That means Orange, Cyan, Blue, Purple and White are up for elimination. Everyone, go cast your votes."

"Okay, you've all voted, and it's now elimination time." "Can I read the votes?" asks Kitty. "Sure." says Viking. "Okay. Everyone with immunity is safe, including Green, even though he's a meanie!" Red, Lime, Magenta and Green collect their donuts. "The next safe are Blue, Cyan, and Purple." They all take donuts too.

"Orange and White are the bottom 2. That's sad. I like both of them :(. Anyway, the last one safe is Orange." White gasps. "What? Why me?" "Well, you did kinda lose at rock-paper-scissors..." says Viking.

White is launched away by the catapult. She lands in the elimination area. Black is talking to Green via walkie-talkie. "No, you don't need to tell me who's eliminated. She just landed here."

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