Chapter Four

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Tubbos POV:

I woke up around 10am this morning. Sadly I saw Ranboo was still asleep. So, I decided I was going to get me and him breakfast. I'm such a good friend. I opened up the curtains and walked out of my room to the kitchen. "Hi Tubbo" Teagan said once she saw me. She was eating a parfait with strawberries.

"Hello, I just came to make some food for me and Ranboo" I said getting ingredients for pancake batter. She nodded continuing to eat. After I got our food plated I walked back to my room. It was now almost 11. "Ranbooooo" I said sitting on the edge of his bed with our food. I saw him slightly move. I then proceeded to poke him until he woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What is it?" He asked. 

"I-I uh, made us breakfast." I stuttered out. Oh god I didn't expect his morning voice to be like that. It ws so.. I don't even know how I'd put it, it was so deep, I liked it? "Tubbo?" I heard which snapped me back into reality. "OH YeaH- Here" I said handing him his plate. It had pancakes, eggs, and bacon on it. I started eating across from him as he just seemed to stare at his food for a bit. 

"You ok Boo?" I asked with some bacon in my mouth. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Ranboo said. He hesitantly took a small bite of the eggs. "I promise I didn't poison it or anything- It's normal food-" I said confused on why he didn't wanna eat. "Ok- Uh- Guess I'm just not really very hungry?" He said. "Are you just making an excuse" I asked curiously. "No, I'm just genuinely not hungry-" He said more convincing this time.

I shrugged and got up. "I'll be back, I have to put this plate in the sink-" I said before walking towards the door. "Ok" He said as I left. I was slightly concerned, and I think it was showing as my mom who was washing dishes took my plate and said, "Are you ok Tubbo?" She asked. "Uh yeah, I'm good, anyway, here's my plate!" I said handing it to her. "What about Ranboo?" She asked. "Oh, he's good too, I'm not sure if he finished or not, I'll go check!" I said leaving. 

I opened my door and saw Ranboo writing in his book, a half eaten plate in front of him. "What are you writing?" I asked, "Also are you done?" I further questioned. "Oh uh, it's nothing important, and yes I am." He said. I said ok and sat by him trying look at his book. He shut it once I tried looking which left me confused. "Why can't I seeee?" I asked pouting. "Because, now where is the bathroom?" 

"Oh uh, we have a guest bathroom but you can just use mine, it's behind that door over there" I said. "Are you sure?" He asked me. I nodded and he got up going to the bathroom. I lied down on Ranboos pull out side of the bed. The sheets kind of smelled like him. I smiled to myself. I've known I wanted to be more than platonic with him for a while. Not really sexual, neither of us wanted that I was sure, but I really wanted to be at least in a romantic relationship.

I was thinking of confessing to him but wanted to take time with it. I had to make sure he felt like I did first. That's where my genius flirting skills come in. I laughed to myself before sitting up and going on my phone. I waited for Ranboo to get out of the bathroom so that I could take him on a tour around my house. He still had no idea where he was going- "RANNBBOOO, HURRY UUUP" I yelled. 

A few minutes later he walked out and looked in my direction. He was wearing a red hoodie and some blue jeans. I smiled at him before getting up and grabbing his hand. I swore I saw his face go slightly red. "I'm taking you on a house tour!" I said happily. "Oh uh, ok, but what If I forget what you show me?" He asked. "Just write it in your book" I said.

He nodded. grabbed his book and followed me around. When you entered there was a main room, a a staircase, and an office next to it. If you walk forward theres the kitchen, and next to it a dining room, then theres a hallway, everyones bedrooms, my studio room, and the garage. The the door to outside is in the dining room.

Outside we have a few playsets, and a giant pool with a waterfall! We also have an upstairs, up there is a huge family room, two guest rooms, and three bathrooms, one in the two rooms the other just there. My parents are always upstairs though.

(Idk if this helps any but heres what I was going off of lol, feel free to imagine your own version though)

(Idk if this helps any but heres what I was going off of lol, feel free to imagine your own version though)

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"Tubbo your house is absolutely huge" Ranboo said. "I never thought it was, until a few years back when I realized that" I said in response. He just nodded, we were in the backyard currently. "Can you go into water at all? Or does it just burn the shit out of you?" I asked. "Well, my [REDACTED] side is fine, but my Enderman one hurts" He said.

I thought for a second. "So you just can't go out when it rains?" I asked. "Oh, well, uh, I can, see since there are other Enderman hybrids and such, scientists made something so we can go in water. It's like a lotion, but I forgot mine-" Ranboo said laughing slightly. "I'll find some then! We can go in my pool later" I said happily. After I said this Ranboo looked terrified. 

Boo? Are you ok?? What's wrong??

Finished- 7/27/21

Word Count- 1028

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