wow- part 10 Smut

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Brandon and five back up while y/n snaps out of the daze
Y/n looks at them while there faces look a bit terrified.
Y/n giggles, while she says "whats wrong?"

Brandon looks down and says "well, y/n you kinda looked like a demon part was coming out of you, like way more meaner than you."

Y/n stood there and said, "well it's not like I am going to hurt you"

Tension and awkwardness fill the air while brandon breaks it by coughing and saying "yeah, the way i remember you, is you being soft and nice, you were always so gentle"

Five feels a bit, left out.
You could say
He wants to know more about y/n so he plans to ask Brandon after

Y/n says," aw thank you brandon, im sure your amazing too." Brandon thank y/n while his phone rings and he answers
"Yes, i'll be there soon, love you too, bye"

"Well i have to go guys, my sister needs a ride, y/n heres my number, incase you need it, bye"

You wave while brandon leaves

Klaus and the rest of the academy walk in

Klaus looks at you and says," well, me and the others are gonna go watch a movie and mess around with people be back in a few hours"

They leave while silence fills the room
Five looks at y/n while y/n looks back.

Y/n feels confidence and says,"five i know its weird but, i wanna kiss you again, if you dont mind"

Five smirks and walks up to y/n while he lifts up her jaw and places his lips on hers

Y/n feels the sweetness she been craving for....
His soft lips kissing her, it feels so soft and so..

Perfect, her body goes limp while five keeps kissing, but turns into french kissing

Five loves every moment of this, ever since he has come back from the apocalypse and saved the world, he feels like he has been missing something.

Its been y/n, it feels great and he feels like he is in love.

They keep kissing making it feel likeits so

They let go and catch a breath, but then they colides there lips again, but this time, this kiss, they feel so, so, stimulated
Y/n wraps her legs around him, while five teleports them to his room, they land on his bed without breaking the kiss.

Y/n get on top of him, straddling him, Five gets a very obvious boner while y/n starts to grind against him, breaking the kiss, letting out a moan.

"Ah" y/n moans while grinding a bit harder.
Five tilts his head back groaning out.

Y/n starts to take off her shirt and starts to kiss him again while he looks down and sees her chest, he bites his lip.
Five looks at y/n and says," Are you sure."

Y/n looks at fives eyes and says,"yes, please."

Five looks at her and starts to take off his jacket, while y/n starts to get off and take off her pants while five does it too.

Hes left in his boxers, while y/n gets back on him while she slowly unbuttons his shirt teasing him, sliding her hands purposely on his ab line.

Five looks at her obviously mad, while she takes off his button up the whole way she leaves his tie on (sorry)

Y/n goes back to tracing his abs, while biting her lip, y/n starts to unclip her bra, while five startes intensily, at her.

"So perfect, five says while y/n blushes.

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