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You get up, dusting yourself, controlling your emotions

You put your hair in a ponytail and put your fists up, five looks at you with confusion

You start taking deep breaths you let out "Alright, who is next?" You let a smirk grow on your face while they see a small hint of red glow in your eyes

Luther walk up and smiles, "lets do this" he throws a punch and you dodge, you run up behind him fast and punch his gut really hard

He flinches and holds the spot, you try kicking him but you did more damage to yourself than him

"Ah, fuck" you slowly limp for a sec before he punches you making you hit the wall nearby

You grunt out and get up, getting more frustrated, you slowly levitate without noticing kicking him in the face making him fall down

You are about to go in for another hit but see his lip busted and a bruise on his face

You slowly flow back down breathing heavily

"Are you ok?"

You use your powers and get him up slowly your body shaking, you finally get him up, taking deep breaths

You see him holding his face, you slowly concentrate and go up to his face healing it

Do you feel better?" You ask while he nods
"Yea I am done for today." He walks away

"Anyone else?" You ask and see vanya step forward, "me, I wanna try!" You nod while you put your fists up

She throws a punch while you catch it and throw it to the side

You throw a punch and dodges it, while she throws a punch hitting you in the face, you hold the spot and go up to her about to hit her in the stomach until you see a white barrier and it pushes you back causing you to hit the floor

You get up wiping the blood on your lip and say "wanna use your powers, fine than, I two can play at that game" you say with a smirk while vanya smiles back

Five grabs his siblings and teleports them behind a safety wall, looking at you and vanya

You go up to vanya and throw a ball at her. While she catches it and throws it back, a dome covers you protecting you from the blast

She blows a huge force of air at you while your eyes widen and you get thrown, your head hits the wall while you then fall face flat on the floor

"Y/N!!" five yells

He teleports to you

You slowly get up up looking mad and with so much anger, you wrap a dome around five that takes him to a secure spot

You form this huge ball in your hands throwing it at Vanya locking it on her

She tries to stop it but it hits her making her fall on a mat while you slowly get down

Everyone runs to her and you run to her too

"VANYA, VANYA!" you see her passed out on the floor

Luther picks her up rushing to Pogo and Grace

The anger leaves your body while you take a deep breath and run after Luther

They lay Vanya on a medical table while grace walks up to you and holds her head and her eyes slowly flutter

"She is fine, she just need some resting, don't you guys worry!" She smiles while you walk away with guilt

You go to fives room and lay on the bed and see tears fall from your eyes, digging your head into your arms

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