Chaper Eight: Unsual Feelings-Part Two

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Chapter Eight

"Fixing Us 2"

Dong Sun's POV

Growing up with Do Na Min was fun. She was always there for me. She also nagged and yelled at me a lot which I got used to. I annoyed her a lot as well because she looked beautiful when she was mad. I would always hug her to make up for it and she forgave me all the time. Basically, she was my perfect friend.

Do Na Min's shop was made of transparent glasses and wood. We noticed a car parking right outside her shop. Son jin came down from it with a boy that looked familiar. They walked into the shop smiling.

"Hyung!" the boy said. I quickly remembered who he was.

Bon-hwa's POV

" 무엇? 하지 나타샤는 무엇입니까 " {What? Ain't that Natasha?} I asked myself trying to look through the transparent glass.

I looked around and noticed Na Kim's left his phone behind. I grabbed it and came down from the car as my excuse to see Natasha. In a way, I missed seeing her.

Dong Sun's POV

"How did you know we were here Son Jin?" Natasha asked

"Where else would Dong Sun eat? Hey Do Na Min. It's been a while." Son jin replied. Do Na Min smiled and nodded in agreement.

Bon-hwa came down from his car and walked inside as well. For some reason, I felt he came to see Natasha. He pretended to be her boyfriend once and took her to the hospital when she was sick. I felt his feelings for her.

나 김! 당신은 뒤에 휴대 전화를 왼쪽" {Jung-hwa! You left your phone behind} Bon-hwa said immediately he entered

"Gangsamnida!" Jung-hwa responded

오빠! 우리는 식사를하고 있었다. 당신은 우리에 가입해야합니다 " {Bon-hwa Oppa! We were about to eat. You should join us} Son Jin said

흠! 지금은 배고픈 느낌 않습니다. 좋아 " {Hmm! I do feel hungry now. Okay!} he replied and sat next to Do Na Min, excatly opposite Natasha.

Do Na Min excused herself to get more ramen. Everyone settled down and waited in an awkward silence.


Son Jin's POV

Jung-hwa broke the silence with a big smile on his face. I supported him, seeing it was an awkward atmosphere, especially for Natasha. She kept head down, ignoring eye contact with Bon-hwa. Bon-hwa on the other hand, folded his arms and stared at her.

문형! 저를 기억하십니까? " {Hyung! Do you remember me?} Jun-hwa asked Dong Sun

그래! 나는 그렇게 생각한다. 당신은 성장했습니다" {Yes! I guess so. You've grown} Dong Sun replied with a short smile

Do Na Min brought five bowls of ramen and distributed it to Bon-hwa, Jung-hwa, me, Natasha and herself respectively.

"Yah! Where's mine!?" Dong Sun started

"You ate two bowls of ramen already. Do you want to die?" Do Na Min reacted

"Share yours with me Natasha. Do Na Min is being greedy and evil"  Dong Sun turned to Natasha

"Hey! I'm hungry. Share with Do Na Min" Natasha replied, covering her bowl

"Ah! She's so self-centered!" Bon-hwa said as he ate a fork of ramen

"What?" Natasha firmly asked looking at him straight in the eyes.

For a second, Bon-hwa seemed scared. She was about to continue but her phone rang. She told the caller that she would be there by 5:00pm that same day.

She got up from her chair and thank Do Na Min for the meal, tapped Dong Sun's shoulders and he went along with her.

Bon-hwa had a strange look on his face, as if he was angry but yet sad, jealous but yet embarrassed. He felt really uncomfortable but regained his cool when Natasha went out if sight.

I asked Jung-hwa if he wanted to see a movie with me and he agreed. We excused ourselves, leaving Bee Na behind.

While walking to get a cab, I suggested we get Natasha and Bee Na in the same place, alone and paparazzi free to avoid a scandal, so as not to upset Bee Na.

Na Kim agreed and said he had a plan that will definitely get them together but refused to tell me until after the movie.


Bon-hwa's POV

Lost in confusion, I barely realized I wasn't eating. Natasha seemed really upset and it scared me. Why was I mean to her? She knew how to hold a grudge. I made up my mind to apologize to her and never to annoy her.

" 그것은 나이되었습니다 " {It has been ages} Do Na Min said.

네, 그것은있다. 상황이뿐만 아니라 변경 " {Yeah it has. Things changed as well} I replied as I turned to notice her

니켈 증오 우와 당신은 변경하지 않는 것으로 " {Dong Sun's hatred towards you doesn't seem to have change} she added

음, 그는 성장해야 " {Well, he needs to grow up}

그는 필요가 있겠습니까? 아니면 필요하십니까 " {He needs to? Or you need to?} she inquired and left me deep in my land of emotions.

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