A.Y.|I'll stay

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Part 2 to Self Care

This is the part you've been waiting for~


I'll be right here with you when the morning comes.


     Your day with Azuma was full of laughter and light-hearted fun. He basically had you booked for the whole day! And it turns out he had this list prepared since the first time he caught you staying up late to write papers.

     You feel bad for worrying him so much, but your distress soon disappeared because you spent the whole day getting pampered by him, and seeing his happiness made you feel at ease.

     First, he took you out for breakfast at the best pancake house to sate your hunger.

     After walking around for a bit to get all those pancakes digested, he took you to a spa and got facials, massages, and all that jazz. When you stepped out of that establishment, you were practically glowing.

     Lunch was next on the list. He took you to a restaurant that had recently opened that week. It had much to offer! With foods from different cultures, you had a hard time choosing, but in the end, you had (insert food you want to eat). While Azuma chose something on the sweeter side.

     It baffles you each time how much sugar he consumes daily, but you don't question it. It's just what makes Azuma himself!

     Lunch came to an end, and you both went on a shopping spree! When he said that he'd spoil you, oh boy, did he mean it. You ended up coming home with armfuls of the stuff he bought you. He got you clothes, makeup, skincare, snacks, and a lot more things he ended up getting for himself too.

     Arriving home with shopping bags in hand, you unlock your door and get inside, setting the bags down on the table. You turn behind you to see Azuma looking at you, looking proud of what he'd accomplished today. You smile at him softly, saying, "Thank you. I really really appreciate you doing this."

     "Darling, you've done so much for me. It's only proper that I look after you the same way you do with me. Yes, education is important, but what good is it if you're constantly running yourself dry all the time?"

     You let out a sigh. He's not wrong... "You're right." You say, "I'll do my best not to stress about it too much." Although he is slightly suspicious, he lets it go happy with the progress he's made for the day, so instead, he pulls you in for a friendly hug that you welcome with open arms.

     You stay like that for a few seconds, basking in each other's warmth. Azuma's the first to pull away, not without one final squeeze, though. You smile as you both start putting away all the newly bought items.

     Later that night, Azuma assisted you with taking off your makeup. He also helped out with the rest of the nighttime routine. After this, you wound up getting something delivered for dinner that you had eaten as you binged your favorite show together.

     Soon, the show was coming to an end, and the credits began to roll. You let out a yawn and attempt to stand and put away your laptop, but you were held back by a sleepy Azuma clinging to your waist.

     Your movement seemed to bother him as his face scrunched up and as he pulled you in tighter. "Azuma..." you softly say as he opens one eye to look at you.

     "Oh, it's over?" "Yeah, I just need to put these away, and we can go back to bed, okay?" 

     He nods as he releases you from his hold. Eager to come back right away, you everything away in a flash. (insert Sumi's wOOSH) 

     You walk back into the room to be greeted by the peaceful look on your best friend's face. "Azu... could you move over just a little?" He hums in acknowledgment, but he didn't move.

     Instead, he grabbed your arm and pulled you in with your back to his chest. You were startled at first, but soon enough, you warmed up to him. You stay like that, just listening to the sound of silence.

     "Hey..." You say, breaking the silence, "Thank you for today. I really appreciate you..." "You what?" questioning the way you trail off. You turn to him and say, "Just you in general. To be honest, I'm not okay. Things haven't exactly been going my way... But today definitely made me feel better. Having you beside me puts me at ease, and I want to thank you for that."

     "Y/n." he says as he shifts to look back at you, "We've been friends for a long time, long enough to know that you're passionate about what you do and that you always give your all. But if you keep this up, it's not going to do you any good. So please, be patient with yourself. You matter more than any paper you write."

     As he said that, it was like a weight was lifted off your chest. You started to feel a little drowsy, and you let out a yawn as you start snuggling closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you securely.

     "Good night, Azu." You say as you finally close your eyes and succumb to sleep. "Sweet dreams N/n, I'll be right here with you when the morning comes."

EEEEEE AT LONG LAST IM DONE!! I hope u guys enjoyed this fic. I also hope this wasn't too couple-like bc i do think azu wud be clingy bc of his character and stuff yk? Anddd i kinda also based this off of my own friendship HAJATNWGQGGB im v clingy >///<

Oh and don't forget, feel free to point out mistakes!! Only half was beta read so pls it'd be a big help.

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