Clingy?? Part 1

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[A/N]: This takes place around the beginning of the school year. This story is a first-person story following Tsukishima. Fun fact, I have the character Wiki's up for reference.

I was currently waiting at the gates of the school for Yamaguchi. I was listening to music and mindlessly going through my phone. After waiting awhile, I decided to text Yamaguchi.

-Private chat-

Tsukki: Where are you

Yams: Didn't I tell you I was sick?

Tsukki: No you didn't

Yams: Oh, sorry! I guess I forgot

Tsukki: Whatever, also take care of yourself

Yams: Okay :)

-Back IRL-

I sighed and pocketed my phone. I quickly walked to the clubroom and changed into the practice uniform. This means I'm early now, usually me and Yamaguchi hang around awhile before practice. I walked over to the gym and only saw the third years and Ennoshita there. The third years were too busy talking to notice me and Ennoshita just gave me a little nod.

I went over to the side of the gym and started stretching. While I was stretching, everyone but Yamaguchi, Nishinoya and Tanaka were there. Eventually I stood up properly and walked over to the freak duo.

"Hey tsukishima!" Hinata yelled when he noticed I walked over. Too loud for my liking.

"Be quiet Shrimpy." Was all I said. I kept looking around, expecting to see the two idiot second years making chaos.

"Rude!" Hinata scoffed as he smacked my arm. It stung a bit, he is a spiker after all.

"Where is Yamaguchi?" Kageyama asked me. I was about to answer when I felt someone jump on my back. I was able to steady myself so I didn't fall.

"Tsukki! Hey!" Noya exclaimed, still holding onto my back.

"Nishinoya, what are you doing?" I question while fixing my glasses, "Also get off me."

"You let him call you Tsukki but not me!?" Hinata pouted. I mentally cursed Noya.

"It's because I can't get him to stop. Noya get off my back." I say while trying to shake him off. His grip tightens and he laughs.

"Don't be such a jerk Tsukki!" I could basically sense Noya's smirk.

"Nishinoya, get the fuck off of my back." I say in a cold tone. He just sighs and hops off my back.

"You are no fun!" Noya pouted, crossing his arms.

"You look like a toddler, stop it." I retaliate. I notice that the freak duo walked away at some point.

"I do not!"

"Do to."

"Do not!"

"Definitely do."

"Arghghhh no I don't!"

"Yes you d-"

"Both of you, stop it." Daichi cuts me off. I roll my eyes and Noya runs over to Tanaka.

"Hey Tsukishima,What was that all about?" Suga asks me with a curious look.


"I'm surprised you let Noya climb all over you."

"I don't let him, I just can't stop him." I really wanna escape this conversation. Truthfully, I lack physical contact... Noya helps me I guess.

Suga seems to notice that I'm uncomfortable and walks away. I crack my knuckles out of habit, almost like a fidget. After a little bit, daichi starts practice.


Practice ended a bit earlier than usual. I changed quickly and started walking to class. Suddenly someone ran up to me from behind and grabbed my arm.

"What the fuck-" I quickly looked at my arm to see the short second year. I sighed and shook my arms to get him off.

"Noya get off. We have to get to class." I glare down at him. He stuck his tongue out and let go.

"Boo, so boring." Noya complained, dramatically slumping his shoulders.

"Why are you even here? Your classes should be on the second floor." I raise an eyebrow.

"Because I don't wanna go to class!" He says proudly. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Get to class." I keep my voice as emotionless as possible.

"And if I don't?" He smirks at me. I flick his forehead. He holds his forehead and whines.

"Ow! Rude!"

"Stop being loud. Go to class or I'll tell Kiyoko and she will be disappointed." I threaten.


My eyes widen a bit before I let out a quick chuckle. He frowns.

"So you wouldn't care if Kiyoko was disappointed in you?"

"Nope, why would I?" Noya seemed genuinely curious.

"...who are you and what have you done with Nishinoya-San?" I joke. He smacks my arm and huffs.

"You are such a jerk!" He pouts.

"Whatever, but we are late to class now." I said as I checked the time on my phone. I sighed and pocketed my phone once again. Noya pulled on my arm and started jumping up and down.

"Tsukki! Let's skip!"

"...just this class since we are already late."

"Yay! Now follow meeee!" He started running off, I followed him out of the school and to the shaded wall of the school. He sat down and leaned against the wall, patting the space next to him. I sat down next to him and looked up at the sky.

We both sat in silence, just enjoying peace. I look over at Noya to see him staring off into space with out any expression. It bothered me a bit, he just looks so dull.


He blinks his eyes a few times and turns to look at me, his face brightening up again.

"Yea tsuk'?"

"Did you shorten my name even more..?"

"Yep, I'm lazy."

"Anyways, I'm bored and usually you have...okay ideas."

He smiled brightly at me, as if I said the nicest thing he has ever heard.

"I do have an Idea..."


I've fallen too deep {Tsukinoya}Where stories live. Discover now