20 Questions - Part 2

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A/N: Reminder to not sleep in your binder like I just did-

"Anyways, I'm bored and usually you have...okay ideas."

He smiled brightly at me, as if I said the nicest thing he has ever heard.

"I do have an Idea..."


"Well, what is it?" I ask, giving him an amused look.

"Lets play 20 questions!" Noya says happily, raising his arms up. I roll my eyes and laugh softly.

"Sure, why not."

( Nishinoya Tsukishima )

"Okay, I'll start! Do you have any pets?"

"I have Bearded Dragon."

"Awesome! Now your turn!"

"Alright... favorite food?"

"GariGari-Kun Popsicles! Especially the soda ones!"

"Really? I like the Melon soda ones more."

"Those are good too! Anyways what is your favorite food?"

"Oh, strawberry shortcake."

"Hm, I haven't have that in a while."

"Really? There is a bakery that sells it down by the mall."

"I'll check it out sometime. Anyways it's your turn."

"Oh, uh... what's your least favorite food-"


"That was quick."

"I despise onions more than I despise moths."

"Moths? What have they ever done to you?"



"It's not funny!"

"Moths are harmless!"

"But Mothman!"

"...Mothman? I-"

"Ughhh, shut up!"

"Wow rude. Shouldn't you be nice to your 'Precious Kohai'?"


"Don't pout, you look even more like a child."

"You are such a jerk Tsukki!"

"Don't call me that."

"Too bad, anyways It's my turn!"

"Then ask away."

"What is your favorite animal, strawberry boy?"

"Strawberry boy?"

"Just answer !\\٩('^')۶//"

"Okay, okay calm down!"


"Uh well, Dinosaurs..."

"Dinosaurs? Not what I expected."

"What did you expect?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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