Update on second book!

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Hey guys!!! Firstly I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting this book! Like I have said many times, it was not very well structured. I am rewriting it. The new version is on my other profile! 

I have started to work outside of just writing for fun guys and it's hard to keep up with my fun time stories while I am working jobs that have time limits. I am now free for the first time in months and will be finishing the rewrite of Changed on my other profile. 

The second book will be posted from next month or as soon as Changed rewrite is done. I am going to finish Changed rewrite as quickly as possible, so that I can start concentrating on only the sequel!!! 

thank you all so much for the support!!! I never thought that I would make it to 1K reads much less 42K so thank you all so much!!!

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