chapter six

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Sophia P.O.V

I was now in the room alone. I woke up a few minutes ago. I feel a lot better now and the pain is not as bad as it always was. I have a dad.

A few minutes later the door opened and my dad walked in. "Hey baby girl. I have some people who wants to meet you." He said.

I nodded and two guys stepped into the room wearing scrubs and looking similar to my father and me.

My brother's!

"Hey Sophia. I'm DeLuca your oldest brother." The tallest one said.

"Hi." Is all I said looking down.

"I'm Ashton your third oldest brother." The other one said.

I smiled at them quickly and they smiled back. We talked for a while before they left again. They where doctors and they saved my life. My brother's saved my life.

I was shocked when the next people entered the room and kind of embarrassed. The twins from school entered and I felt anxiety build up.

They didn't even talk to me only stared at me. What if they don't like me. They looked at me shocked and then at dad. "Sophia?" Jace questioned.

I looked down fiddling with my hands. "I have to go! You guys talk." Dad said and he left after his pager beeped.

"Sophia we're the fourth oldest. You've seen us at school. I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you." Jack said.

"It's not your fault." I said quietly looking down.

"Hey you don't need to be afraid of us. We will protect you from now on." Jace said smiling at me.

I smiled back. Soon we were talking about everything and how they got into trouble but when they asked me questions I couldn't answer everything. Then dad came back and there was another guy with him.

The twins left and dad also left. "Hi Sophia. I'm Hayden the second oldest brother. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." He started to cry.

We talked and he asked me some questions and I answered some of his. Dad said I had six brothers and I've met five so far. After me and Hayden talked he left. He said I can talk to him about anything.

I trust him a little more than I trust the others. He just has this save Ora around him. Dad came back soon after. He said I could go home in a few days and that my youngest brother wants to talk to me.

Then Micheal from school entered with bloodshot eyes and I immediately felt intimidated by him.

"Sofie I know you don't remember or even know me but I was three years old when she took you. I gave you your name. Sort of. I told them sofie and they called you Sophia. I'm so sorry." He said and a sob escaped at the end.

I moved over and he sat on the bed with me. He hugged me and I felt save with him as well. We talked a lot and Micheal told me what happened to him after I was gone.

He asked me what happened and I told him some stuff but not everything and not in detail. He was angry and kept apologizing. "It's not your fault." I said and he smiled weakly at me.

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