Chapter 4 - Punishment

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Edward's POV:

"I'll have to punish you for your misbehaviors."

"B-But sir!"

"I said no buts, Edward! Take off your pants and bend over my desk now."

I quickly got up and went to the desk and bent over. I felt his hands around my waist, he pulled down my pants and underwear.

"Tsk Tsk, naughty boy can't even do a simple task" I then felt a sharp smack on my ass after he said that.

He then went to the other side of the table and took a book from his bag. It was a fat english grammar book. But what will he do with it? He then after grabbing the book went behind me and before you could blink a sharp smack came on my behind by the book. And then after that smacks come raining down my ass with the book.

Before I knew it I was a sobbing mess. I have never been spanked before so I didn't know how it feels like. Then Mr. Franklin put the book on my ass while asking

"Are you gonna be good baby?"

Shivers went down my body when he called me baby I blushed a bit.

"Y-Yes sir-r!" I replied with sniffing

"Good boy. But if you continue misbehaving I'll have to do this again." he said sounding dominant

"Now you're gonna SIT in this corner for few minutes until I say you can go." he said as he took one of the chairs and put it to the closest corner to the desk.

I didn't wanna waste time so I quickly sat there butt naked still sniffing and calming down.

He sat at his chair writing something I suppose?
After what seemed like forever he came over to me and said

"Time is up you may get up now."

When I got up and pulled my pants up I turned around to see red Mr. Franklin he was blushing I didn't know why. I zoned out thinking did he literally just spanked me? Did my crush just spanked my ass for being naughty? I suppose Mr. Franklin didn't know how to get me out of my thoughts so he just grabbed my sore ass and squeezed it making me feel pain. Well that was one sexy way to be pulled out of thoughts.

"You will be doing these 3 tasks right now as another punishment. I realized that you have been zoning out in my class so I guess I will give you 3 tasks with something we were doing in last few classes. You will write them correctly, if I see a tiny mistake you're going over my lap this time." he said as he handed me the paper

I sat down and started "doing" tasks.

It's been ten minutes and I didn't understand a thing so I just gave up. I got up and gave Mr. Franklin the paper.

"That's what I thought. You don't understand a thing, do you?" he sighed and continued "Guess I'll have to be your tutor now hm.. C'mon" he patted his lap "over my lap you go." he said as he pulled me over his lap.

"We don't need these right now." he said as he pulled down my pants and underwear. He again took same book and started raining smacks on my ass.

Again I was a sobbing mess. He patted my sore butt a little then stopped starting to pull my underwear and pants up.

"Get up." he ordered and I got up

"You may leave now."

"Yes s-sir." and with that I got my bag and left


It has been 3 days since that punishment happened. I was sick so I didn't go to school the other days but today I feel better and can go now. It wasn't a big deal just a fever.

I went to school. I had English first class. Excited, I entered the classroom being way to early. I wasn't surprised there wasn't any students. There was just the two of us Mr. Franklin and I. When he saw me he looked kind of angry? I think that face will be in my nightmares. Cough anyways. He started walking towards me angrily.

"And where have you been for the past three days, young man?" he asked, strictly.

"Uhm.. Good morning!" I tried to change the topic, scared if he would get mad at me for being sick.

"Don't ignore me, Edward. Answer my question or you're going over the table."

"I had a fever."

"Weird. Right after my first punishment, huh. I thought you got angry and just decided to skip, but I suppose I was wrong wasn't I?"

It was silent for a few minutes

"After that punishment I don't think I will ever look at the English grammar book the same." I said

"Ah, yes me too. I have it right here if you want a reminder from what happened that day." he said as he pulled the book out of his bag

"I have a reminder on my ass y'know." I gotta admit I still kinda enjoyed it, but of course I won't tell him that.

"Now, that's not how you talk to your teacher is it? I also would always have a reminder when you would blush because it would be the same shade of red like it was on your backside that day." he said chuckling

I blushed and went to take a seat in the back then Mr. Franklin said

"Come sit near me, will ya."

Then I just obeyed I didn't feel like having a spanking early in the morning.

It was weird he was acting all friendly now usually he's so strict and cold maybe not in past month for some reason but he usually is like that.

Half an hour later students started coming, class started and I just paid attention actually this time.


I had free period later today so I decided to go to the school library just to study or draw I guess.

I started doing my homework when I got tired a bit so I dropped my pencil put my arms on table and put my head on my arms. Saying to myself I will just close my eyes for a minute. Well that minute turned out to be way longer because after 3rd minute I fell asleep. Letting darkness take me..

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