Chapter 11 - Naughty

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Nicholas's POV:

After I said that he left. He looked pretty shocked and probably a bit scared. I hope he knows that I won't punish him in front of everyone. I'll simply just wait until detention is over then the punishment will begin.

I should pack my stuff and go home soon. God, such a rough day. Philip told me another new student is coming to school soon, I guess Matthew won't be alone then. I really hope he gets along with everyone. What did Philip say again? Is it a girl or a boy? I think he said a girl. Hm, need to talk about her with Philip more.

I started packing my stuff, first my laptop, then books for different grades. Just as I thought I was done I saw English grammar book still on my work desk.

This will probably always remind me of Edward from now on. I chuckled.

I put the book in my bookbag. I look around to see if everything was tidy and there was no trash. Everything was fine, then I left my office, closing the door behind me.

I headed to my car that was parked on the school parking lot. I unlocked it, sat on the driver's seat and put my stuff on passenger's seat. I started the car and headed home.

Right when I parked my phone rang. Philip.

"Hello?" I said waiting for an answer

"Hey, Nicholas you have time?" said Philip's voice from the other side of the call

"Yes, of course."

"Alright, I wanna talk about that new girl that's gonna come."

"Okay sure, let me just get out of my car." I said as I opened car door, taking my stuff and leaving the car, locking it. I headed to the front door unlocking it and entering my house. I closed and locked the door behind me.

"Done. So what is it?"

"So, I found out that her name is Maggie, Maggie Madden."

"Pretty name." I said placing my bookbag down and taking off my shoes.

"Yes absolutely. Anyways, she is going to move here soon."

"Good, good."

"That's pretty much all. You got anything that's worrying you?"

"Just the recent fight with Aaron and Edward."

"Oh? What with it? You mean punishment?"

"Correct." I said with a sigh.

"We'll think about it, maybe they will be suspended from school for a week or something like that."

"Alright, whatever you say."

"Well, I'll go now. Sorry if I bothered you.. I'll see you later, bye."

"Bye." I said as he hang up

Tomorrow's going to be a long day


Edward's POV:

Oh jeez this is the last class, next is detention aaand my punishment. I can't believe he will actually spank me in front of other people! I can't stop thinking about what he said.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the school bell ringing, everyone started to pack up hurriedly. My anxiety went far up in the sky.

"Alright class, task fifty-five and fifty-six are for homework. We'll continue this next class." said our math teacher as he took his books and was also getting ready to leave.

I'm fucked.

"Yo Eddie, we gonna hang out together in detention. I forgot to tell you so I'm telling you now." Peter said as he stood next to me with his bag on his shoulder

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