ouyang zizhen x lan!reader 💌࿐

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▶ Requested by - @Action_LiveHex   

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▶ Requested by - @Action_LiveHex   

▶ Fluff 

▶ Male reader 

▶ Just a small note before you start - This is my first time writing Ouyang Zizhen so please be kind on me if I get his personality wrong also just imagine that Jingyi is [Y/N] in that gif :') 

[Y/N] may be a little bit of a troublemaker- and also daring- 


"Can you two please not fight?" Lan Sizhui pleaded. Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling huffed and turned away from each other. Sizhui sighed and glanced over at his brother. He was standing near Ouyang Zizhen. "Eh.." Sizhui trailed off. Well his brother and Zizhen were standing right there but now they were gone. "Did you guys happen to see where A-[Y/N] and Zizhen went?" 

"They probably went to make out." Someone snickered. 

"No.. But they probably are making out." One shrugged. 

"Hehe... They are all over each other half the time.." 

"Since when are they apart?" Another one added. 

Sizhui sighed in defeat, his shoulders slumping. What did he do in his past life to deserve this. He loves his brother dearly but he was such a handful. He was almost as bad as Jingyi. 

"So Sizhui..." Jingyi started. "Please.. don't.." Sizhui groaned. Jin Ling snickered. "Oh shut up young mistress Jin." Jingyi yelled. "Oi! You!" 

Sizhui rubbed his temples. He was getting a headache from this and didn't know how much longer he could take before he snapped. 

Where was his brother at?! 


Ouyang Zizhen and Lan [Y/N] watched as the Lan and Jin fought over something stupid like they always did. 

Lan [Y/N] knew his brother was really close to snapping so he took Zizhen's arm and dragged him away from everyone else. 

"E-Eh.. [Y/N]..." Zizhen started but was cut off with a sharp kiss. (idk how a kiss can be sharp but it sounded right) "Come on! Let's go and watch what happens!" [Y/N] dragged the male up the stairs so the they could watch what happened below without being seen. They sat next to each other, hands intertwined and shoulders touching. Ouyang Zizhen was blushing hard and [Y/N] was only blushing slightly but it grew more and more dark as they both listened to all the teasing about what they were or could be doing. 

'W-we aren't that f-far into our relationship y-yet..' Lan [Y/N] let go of his lovers hand to cover his burning red face with both his hands. Zizhens face was just as red as [Y/N]'s but he didn't bother to cover it. He smiled softly, sweat dropping. 'D-do.. they really think about us like that..?' 

"Please they must have already shared a bed at least once already!" 

Someone scoffed at that. "They aren't even engaged yet." 

"But they are so cute together!" Someone chimed in. 

"That Lan boy is a bad influence on Young Master Ouyang." Someone commented. 

Zizhen gritted his teeth at that, his eyes narrowed. 

The doors opened and everyone fell silent. In walked Wei Wuxian. Lan [Y/N] slowly lowered his hands from his face. 

"Whats going on now? And where is A-[Y/N]?" He asked looking around. 

"A-[Y/N] and Zizhen disappeared.." 

"Eh are they finally together?" Wei Wuxian asked. 

Lan Jingyi shrugged. "We don't know if they are official yet." 

Wei Wuxian scoffed and cursed under his breathe. 

"Whats wrong mama..?" Sizhui asked quietly. "I owe Xichen-gege money now! I guess I can always ask Lan Zhan for money.." 

"E-eh?!" Jin Ling chocked. 

"D-Did you bet on their relationship?!" Lan Jingyi looked at Wei Wuxian in disbelief. Wei Wuxian gave him an offended look. "Of course I did! Why wouldn't I?! They are so cute together!" 

"You two were drunk, weren't you?" Sizhui deadpanned. Wei Wuxian chuckled nervously and looked away. 

A noise from behind made everyone jump. 

There, standing in the doorway, was Lan [Y/N] in all his glory. His hand was in the wall, cracks surround it. An irk mark on his forehead. "Please do not bet on thing like that." He smiled darkly. Ouyang Zizhen was standing behind him seating nervously. 

"O-Oi! Z-Zizhen! G-get your boyfriend!" Jin Ling yelped and ran behind Lan Jingyi. They held each other in fear. 

Ouyang shook his head and moved his thumb across his neck. 

When [Y/N] glanced back at him he was just whistling innocently with his hands behind his back. 

"O-okay.. c-calm down A-[Y/N].. N-no need for t-this.." Wei Wuxian squeaked. 

"They will stop teasing you two, right?" Lan Sizhui chimed in. He was smiling and also had an irk mark on his forehead. "Right?" 

"Y-YES!" Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi yelped. 

As soon as Lan [Y/N] had arrived everyone else had scattered like the wind. 

"Good." [Y/N]'s aura did a 180° and was now a flowery one. 

"Come on! Lets head home now~" He cooed, taking Zizhens hand who smiled at him like nothing just happened. They walked off leaving everyone else. 

"Yes." Sizhui said stiffly. "Lets head home.." 

"Y-yes.." The other three muttered. 


▶ I'm sorry if I got your request wrong and I'm also sorry if Zizhen is ooc this is my first time writing him :')

Completed : 7/27/2021

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