jiang cheng x mermaid!reader 🍇࿐

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▶ Requested by no one 

▶ Fluff (and mentions of angst 😼)

▶ Female reader


Jiang Cheng sighed as he sat down on the edge of the pier. He twisted his body and grabbed the small gift wrapped in a light lavender cloth that had gold embellishments sewn on to it. It had been one of the last things that his sister had gifted him before she had been killed. She had made it for him as a gift for becoming Clan Leader (he was very proud of it and would take it everywhere he went). He set it aside while he took off his boots and rolled up his pants and sleeves. He set his boots aside and grabbed the gift again, setting it gently in his lap. His fingers gently grazed over the cloth before he began to peel back the layers. 

A sudden splash made him stop, shielding the cloth with his body. He quickly became soaked. The sound of laughter filled the air. 

Jiang Cheng looked up and glared. "Watch it!" He snapped. 

The laughter slowly stopped as the person who caused the splash swam closer to the Jiang. Her [H/C] was soaked and stuck to her body and face (If you have long hair then it would be floating around you, if you have short hair I'm sorry but figure it out :'D). Her [S/C] skin had [F/C] scales scattered across her whole body. Her tail was also [F/C]. Lotus flowers and leaves stuck to her, covering... her ahem... yeah... 

She looked at him curiously. "Whats that Chengcheng?" 

"Don't call me that!" Jiang Cheng shouted in protest, face burning a little brighter than before. "And put some clothes on!" 

She smiled tightly. "They would just get wet and stick to me! Do you know how uncomfortable that is? Plus I'm under the water most of the time! What does it matter to you?" She stuck her tongue out childishly. "You humans confuse me to no end!" She laughed loudly. 


"Thats my name!" [Y/N] called out smiling and raising her arm into the air. 

Jiang Cheng groaned. He just had to fall for a smartass....He face palmed. (Heyyy... I thought that was only for Wxx?) 

"Just.. don't get this wet okay?" He lowered his voice, becoming serious. "It.. it means a lot to me, okay.. a-and the person who made it.. i-isn't here anymore.. to.. to fix it... if it gets ruined..." He became quiet, gently unwrapping the cloth from whatever it was. 

[Y/N] fell silent. It didn't take long for her to realize who had given him that. 'Was it his sister.. Jiang Yanli right...? She... died... at the...' Her face fell a little. She felt bad now that she realized what she had almost done. She had almost ruined one of the only gifts Jiang Cheng had from his older sister. 


The mermaid look up, snapping out of her thoughts, when she heard the softer voice of the Jiang. He held out a strange piece of food. It had green around the edges yet the center was a reddish pink with black and white dots mixed in. It was also cut in the shape of a triangle. Jiang Cheng was smelling softly at her. She had never seen him smile like that before. Her face warmed at the sight. 'He should smile like that more often...' Of course she didn't say that out loud. For all she knew he could be poisoning her. The dummy still took the piece of strange food without hesitation. She stared at it in wonder, examining it.

"What is it?" 

"Watermelon." Jiang Cheng answered, taking a piece for himself and biting into it. Some juice ran down his chin and he quickly wiped it away. 

[Y/N] watched him with curious eyes before glancing down at her own piece. Slowly, she took a small bit before immediately taking a bigger one. 

"This is so good!" She exclaimed happily. 

Jiang Cheng watched her with immense joy, eating his own piece. "I'm glad you liked it..." He said softly.

Memories flashed in the back of his head while he watched the [H/C] haired mermaid eat piece after piece. One was of him and his family eating together in the shade in the heat of summer and the hot sun, another was of him, Wei Wuxian, and Yanli eating together, laughing and chasing each other around the pier, and another was of him, Wei Wuxian, and Nie Huaisang simply fooling around and trying to catch fish while talking about useless shit that he couldn't even remember. 

He smiled sadly as he watched the mermaid play around in the water, all the watermelon having been eaten a while ago. Who knew a mermaid could eat so much by herself? 


▶ Honestly I think I had a completely different idea for this but oh well I can't remember 😙

▶ I'm so sorry but I'm just so distracted and unfocused today 😅

▶ Might come back and add some drawings but I'm not feeling it today 

Completed : 1/6/22

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