Ch. 20 - Into the Unknown

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[insert AURORA'S ver of Disney Frozen's into the unknown, jk]


Raiko's POV

"Master, the car is waiting outside" Kagami spoke leaning on my door frame.

I smile and look at myself one last time in the mirror before looking at her.

"and Master Gojo is coming with us to send you off" She smiles making me nods as we walk outside to the waiting vehicle.

Gojo is indeed here, waiting for me.
Kagami and the driver puts my bag on the car trunk as I talk to Gojo.

"Aren't you a busy man?" I ask approaching him and looking up at him.

"Nah, this is more important" He shrugged smiling as I jokingly punch his arm.

Gojo open the door at the back seat as I hopped in as he seats besides me, Kagami sitting beside the driver.

"Master, be careful on your way" Luka said making me smile.

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I replied, after the goodbyes, The car finally drove off.

"Do you really think You can find the answer you've been seeking for?" Gojo ask making me turn my head on him.

"I don't think I could find them, I knew I can find them." I answered smiling.

"But that place is not on a normal map or in the internet map, are you sure that place is real?" He ask again.

"Yes of course, the map was made by my mother and she puts it in the book, that place have to be real" I answer reassuring him.

"trust me, if things go bad, I'll go back Immediately" i said smiling a little making him pout as I rummage through my pocket

"Here" I said handling him a crystal charm.

"what's this?" He ask confused Looking at me

"It's a protective charm, it will protect you and so that I could easily find you" I said smiling yet again.

he nods as a reply, we continue our ride until we arrive at a port.

we hopped out of the car and Kagami told us to follow her.

there's a lot ship here, small and big but a certain one really caught my attention, and we are headed to that one.

"Master, here's the ship you requested" Kagami said pointing at a Big Pirate ship in front of us.

"Isn't that a pirate ship?" Gojo ask, suspicion on his voice.

"Gojo, relax, that's the Kang family's ship, The black pearl" I said smiling patting his back as he nods.

"ayeee!" a woman shout as we all look up to the source of the sound, she smile as she jump and swing on rope that she was holding, once she let go she spin in the air and land gracefully in front of us

"That's a dramatic entrance" Gojo whisper which only I heard.

the woman stand up, tall and proud as her chest bounce and she fix her hat.

"You must be Master Raiko? it's a pleasure to meet ya, Carmilla , captain of the black pearl at yer service" She ask smiling at me as she bows

I nods and told her not to be so formal.

"Oi! men! come and greet yer master!" She shout as men look at us and hurriedly came over.

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