Volume 10: A True Reality

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Unknown and Snowborn walked a park at night after 6 months, both of them have a new technology that makes them see an altered reality (AR for short) and Unknown and Snowborn held hands, "So remember about that question few days after we got out of that game?" Unknown asked, "Of course I do." Snowborn responded, "Well just remember it for a little longer, alright." Unknown responded with a small smile on his face, "You know, it's quite rare to see you smiling." Snowborn pointed out, "It's lovely" She added, "Are you trying to embarrass me?" Unknown looked away. Unknown later went fairways with Snowborn to do his own things, as Unknown walked down downtown, Unknown walked into a shop to be able to make his new outfit, "Do you have it inside one of the pockets?" Unknown asked, "Yes I did," the shopkeeper said, "But this one is on the house" he added. Unknown walked down the shop to see Slade on his motorbike chasing some car that looks like it has something stollen than Ash, and Ice, "What on earth?" Unknown thought then he heard a tick, as he looked down he was in total shock and so he covered the grenade then Ice looked to see Unknown covering the grenade, "I'll catch up!" Ice yelled out to the team then Ice looked back to see smoke and Unknown grappling past him in his new jacket, "Come on magic guy!" Unknown said.

as Unknown grew frost on his back then Unknown heard stretching to see more cars in the way so Unknown took a detour passing a band bus and Unknown saw one of the cars passing by and he flung himself, hitting the side of the car flipping it then the car with stolen stuff and the backup car stopped and both cars had people getting out, Unknown stood still and they all aimed at Unknown, "I would like to see you guys try." Unknown said than they all shot. In shock, Slade, Ash, and Ice stopped in their tracks and Snowborn saw, "UNKNOWN!" She yelled out reaching out, then once they all stopped to reload, to see Unknown's creation ability came into play, "It's my turn." Unknown jumped into the sky blocking the sun pulling out Frostbain and making floating copies of the sword, Unknown got shot at once again and he threw the swords in all directions while hitting the bullets, "wait, that's Unknown!" Slade said, "do you guys mind helping me." Unknown asked Slade, and the other two, while Snowborn was released and sat on the floor with tears.

Unknown also saw Snowborn and ran up to her, "Here." Unknown said pulling a ring out of his pocket, "Is, is this what you mean?" Snowborn asked while getting help up, "Yes, it was." Unknown said then getting a massive hug from Snowborn. As the last day of the final month came around, Unknown and Snowborn were at the plane while the other three were there, "Unknown don't die there alright?" Slade asked, "I'll keep that promise." Unknown responded and waved goodbye to everyone. While on the plane Snowborn pulled out the ring, "could you, could you put the ring on properly." Snowborn requested, then Unknown grabbed the ring and kneeled down, putting the ring on her ring finger, and both Unknown and Snowborn got along better with each other.

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