Volume 11: Binding Frost

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Unknown and Snowborn flew over the main city, "See that tower" said Unknown, "We got to infiltrate it," Unknown added the Snowborn took some steps back then ran out of the opened part of the plane same goes for Unknown at night, Unknown dived further to the tower followed by Snowborn and so once Unknown got near the wall of the Tower like 50 floors above Unknown used Mastered Frost Destruction to land inside, Snowborn rolled on the ground as soon she landed. As Unknown looked outside peeking downwards "Well, that was faster, just 50 more floors to go" Unknown said and so he looked around then the wall rebuilt itself "Well we can't turn back now" Snowborn said then Unknown slowly walked up to the doors, Unknown opened them a little and then once Unknown peeked out, arrows shot open the door, Unknown leaped back making a summoning portal and reaching through to grab both Frostbain and Night Edge Zero, Unknown ran out the doors after kicking the doors open. Unknown stared at the bow user, it was a cursed demon knight, Snowborn and Unknown stood there when it was about to shoot again.

The cursed demon knight shot, Unknown slicing the arrow and so Unknown and Snowborn ran up the stairs seeing that the knight already ran out of arrows but then the bow formed a flame "That's a lava demon!" Unknown yelled out then Unknown swung his sword into a fan formation taking the full blow of the attack. Snowborn took out Phantom Blade and slashed at the head, burning through the helmet and hitting it off, then Unknown slashed back to make the knight land on a wall and freezing most of their limbs in place "You fought well," the knight said, "Wait she looks familiar" Unknown thought, "WAIT IT'S HER, ISSIC'S DEAD GIRLFRIEND!" Unknown thought loudly, "How are you alive," Unknown said then looked away, "What do you mean, one in the black," Vicki asked, "You died, in Issac's hands" Unknown said, "Issac the dragon king" he added, Snowborn looked at both of them confused, "Who is she?" Snowborn asked, "Vicki, she's now a demon that needs to be let free" Unknown said sounding strict. Ten floors up Unknown sat down and a set of stairs "Is the next floor up these two sets of stairs?" Unknown asked, "Yes it is," Snowborn said, and so Unknown got up and ran up the stairs. Unknown and Snowborn got to another pair of doors and so Unknown opened the doors and then both Unknown and Snowborn both got stabbed in the back and became paralyzed from the metal that they got stabbed with. Unknown and Snowborn was thrown into the room the Unkown was peeking in from but the two didn't know that Unknown and Snowborn's frozen arms were not paralyzed and so Unknown used Frost Creation to grab the potions from the pockets "We caught the invaders for you!" one of the kids said then Unknown got up and quickly wounded them in the back with their knives lightly.

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