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Bryce's pov:
I arrived at the location and got out of my car and saw her I was so pissed I went and sat down.

???: well your on time

Bryce: what do you want?

???: I want you back

Bryce: that's never happening tessa

Tessa: is it because of addison? I saw y'all got back together and she's pregnant

Bryce: you know my life then why did you do this?

Tessa: don't ask me questions I said I want you back

Bryce: and I said I don't I love Addison not you

Tessa: Bryce I am warning you if you don't get back with me you know what I can do

Bryce: I am not scared of you and I will never get back with you *gets up and starts to walk away*



I got in my car and left to my apartment I got some flowers for Addison she deserves it and our one year anniversary is in 2 days. I went in the house opened the door and saw Addison run to me and hugged me tight.

Bryce: what's wrong baby?

Addison: are you okay?

Bryce: I am good what happened? Are you okay?

Addison: WHERE WERE YOU *screams*

Bryce: you know I dropped my mom at the airport

Addison: I am sorry for screaming

Bryce: it's okay but what's wrong? Can I know?

Addison: okay

I brought her to the couch she laid on my chest and started to talk.

Addison: so I woke up to my phone ringing it was a unknown number they said you got into a car crash and you were in the hospital they gave me the address of the place you were in and I was about to leave when you walked in *crying*

Bryce: hey it's okay I am right here look nothing happened to me I am fine

Addison: *nods* I love you

Bryce: love you too

I know tessa did this shit. Addison is pregnant and she can't stress it's bad for her and our babies I am gonna fucking kill that bitch. I tried to get up but Addison didn't let me.

Addison: don't leave

Bryce: I am not leaving anywhere I got you something and I am gonna get that okay?

Addison: okay

I went to the kitchen and got the flowers and went back to her.

Bryce: here

She smiled and kissed me

Addison: thank you!

Bryce: you deserve it

We were just laying down watching tv

Addison: Bryce?

Bryce: hmm

Addison: can we go shopping?

Bryce: yea sure

She got up and went to our room probably to get ready. She came back after an hour she was so cute.

^^ she was wearing

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^^ she was wearing

Bryce: you look cute babe

Addison: thanks! now let's go

We locked the house and left to our car. We took Kai with us because he can get a walk while we shop. We drove to the mall.

(Planning to post more today!)

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