Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

"You're a fucking idiot," Ashton hissed beside Ren's ear.

They were currently crouched before a large bush that blocked them from the view of the Hunter Society building. Ren tried to ignore Ashton who was almost completely pressed against his side, but it was proving to be very hard. The irritating vampire had been whispering his dislike of the current plan the entire time they'd been sitting here.

Darrien was scouting the area while Ren was watching him to make sure he wasn't going to alert anyone. The fact that he had to worry about that should have let him know that he was completely out of his mind and he didn't know what he was doing. But he did. He knew that while this had a high potential of backfiring it also had a high potential of securing them some security.

He thought it was well worth it in the end.

Ren turned his head. His and Ashton's noses almost bumped into one another. Ashton pulled back, his eyes falling down onto the small space between them. Ren's breath hitched, but he swallowed down the burst of excitement. He ignored the way Ashton's eyes almost glinted as he looked back at Ren.

"At least I'm doing something," Ren said back. He gave Ashton a dull stare which Ashton wrinkled his nose at.

"Yes, trusting the Hunter is really doing something for us."

Ren let out a sigh. Ashton was right on some points, but the matter of the fact was that they had nothing else they could do. They were backed into a corner. Their lives were tied together by a contract to keep each other accountable, but they also had to deal with the Hunter Society trying to kill them before they found the true answers.

He didn't think about it this way before, but whether they found the dead girl or not, they were going to end up in this situation. Except, maybe if they hadn't met each other and they hadn't found her body, then they would know less than they knew now. They would have been oblivious to everything that was happening until it was too late to do anything about it.

"If I didn't have no choice then I wouldn't be doing it," Ren muttered. He turned away and focused back on watching Darrien.

He didn't want to tell Ashton this, but he felt like he could trust Darrien for a strange reason. It might have to do with the fact that he was able to feel his emotions. He could feel that there was some sincerity inside of him. Perhaps it wasn't too late for Darrien to change his views.

Though, Ren wasn't going to get his hopes up. Besides, it wasn't his job to look out for the Hunter.

His chest ached. The feeling felt like a knife piercing through his heart. He thought back to the small almost insignificant moments when Darrien had talked to him like he was a normal person. Darrien had treated him like he wasn't a vampire or hybrid. For that small moment, Ren was just Ren.

He hadn't known that he longed for a friend until then.

Ashton slapped Ren's arm with the back of his hand. "He's in."

Ren jolted from his thoughts and caught sight of Darrien waving them over. He was still hesitant, his hand holding the gun. Ashton was holding Darrien's in a first grip as well. As Ren looked over Ashton, he felt his gut twist. There was something really menacing about letting the Mantel have a gun. He was strong and terrifying without it. A silver gun with the ability to kill a vampire heightened that fear to a level Ren wasn't equipped to deal with.

Ashton caught his gaze. He cocked his head. "What?"

Ren shook his head. "Nothing."

He quickly looked away, his face burning. He walked as fast as he could manage without tripping and made sure to keep a good distance between him and Ashton. The whole thing with swapping blood had warped his attraction even more. He was trying to separate himself from that, his emotions as well because when he had Ashton's emotions flooding with his own, it was hard to differentiate.

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