chapter 11

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Uni's POV
"Let's get this over with." I grumble following Bruce to his lab.
Once we get to the lab, Bruce motions for me to sit on the medical bed.
Once I sat down, Bruce brought over the thing that checks your heart beat. I started having flashbacks of all the times I had to get healed by my nurse. Most were unpleasant.
"Uni, UNI!" Yells a voice.
I snap out of my thoughts to see Bruce looking at me with worry.

What?" I ask, turning my focus back to him.
"Are you alright?" He asks, concern written all over his face.
"I'll be fine." I say, giving a small smile.
Sadly, that didn't reassure bruce.

The checkup went by very fast, Bruce checked my heart rate, blood pressure, made sure my senses were working fine.
"Ok, everything seems fine so far, I just need you to lift up your shirt." He says.
I give him a dangerous glare, Bruce shudders slightly. Recomposing himself, He sighs deeply.
"How about just your back?" He suggests.
I hesitate, but nod after a minute or two.
I turn my back to Bruce, then slowly lift up my shirt from the front, then make a twisting motion to where my shirt is fully off my back; hanging off the front.
On my back are hundreds of scars. One of them connect from my back neck, looping around my mid section, then stopping at my stomach. There are many burn marks, some old, some new.
Bruce gasped in horror, eyes widening. He slowly grazed his hand over one of the burn marks. I quickly put my shirt back on.
"Who did this to you?!" Bruce asks, still shocked.
I sighed deeply, then hopped off the medical bed. I started to walk away but Bruce grabbed my wrist.
"Uni, I need to know who." He said.
I yanked my wrist back and looked Bruce dead in the eyes.
"Why? So you and the avengers can fight IT? You avengers would be killed in seconds! And last time I checked, none of you can re-spawn!" I yell angrily.
Before Bruce could say anything, I whipped out my magic mirror and teleported back to my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed, grumbling to myself. I rolled onto my back and pulled out Z's summon item. Shaking it a few times, Z eventually appeared next to me.
"Hey buddy." I spoke softly.
Z nuzzled my cheek, then flew over to my stomach, laying on me.
I chuckled, then picked him up.
"So, what should we do?" I ask Z.
Z immediately squirms out of my grasp and goes to the door leading to the hallway.
I get off the bed and walk to the door. As I open it, Z flies through the small crack.
"Z get back here!" I yell, running after him.

A/N:my story is having some trouble, so very sorry this is so short. But dont worry, i have things planned, big things.

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