how stupid

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Every time it gets better. It seems. This is something i know and it is real, it gets better, always; i think its gonna be forever but they hurt u again, u start having troubles againg, u isolate you cant eat. They make you feel like its gonna last but- now fuck everyone onestly. I saw how much they care..., even if it goes well something goes off. I usually think its me but now in majority they left me. I know why i prefer staying by myself, i need someone and it can be me. I dont judge and even if im not taking much care i love myself like a mother wishing better for her child, knowing how she is and felling sorry for her. I really was so dumb to think i need somebody and they love me like i do, like they say, like my parents. My father loved me the most. How stupid i was to think i can get that love back. It starts againg but it is ok cuz every time it gets better...

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