As we began to walk out the cafe she stopped us and said to watch out for his dogs that they would go after anyone who they think are trespassing on the land. I smiled then shook my head then got into the car and since it was only 12 pm I decided that my son and I would go see if what Natalie told us was true. So we followed all of her directions to the house and finally we came upon the enormous mansion. I turned off the engine and asked Alex if he was scared and if he wanted to stay in the car. He shook his head and then we both got out the car and went through the gate and started towards the front door, my son kept watch out for the dogs. When we reached the front door i rang the bell several times until a tall, long hair, sexy young man came to the door then smiled when our eyes met, then all of a sudden two dogs started to bark at us so the young man shouted at them, telling them to stop, which made them whimper a little then walk away.
The young man looked at me then at my son then asked If we had any reason for being there. My son told him that a waitress at the diner name Natalie told us to come here and that his mom was believed to be some kind of descendant of a woman name Mercedes Jones who fell in love with a werewolf name Jack and that she wanted us to come find out the truth ourselves as a way to welcome us to Eerie Hollow. The man smiled at me and then invited us inside for a bit, and then he turned back around and asked us what our names were I told him my sons name then mine. He looked directly at Alex and said that he also had a son about his age. Then he turned around and led us to his living room where someone I believed to be his son was sitting. The young boy looked up and got out of the chair, then walked over to us. The man said that his name was Caleb Collins and that the young boy beside him was Reid Collins. Reid held out his hand to Alex and asked if he would be attending Eerie High School in town, Alex told him yes, then asked if it was true what the townspeople were saying about him and his father. Reid looked over to his father, who shook his head like he was telling him to do something. Out of nowhere Reid turned into this huge wolf creature which made me pull my son towards me in a protective manner. Caleb grabbed my shoulder and said that it was okay and that they will not harm us. I looked at him questionably and asked him without realizing it, if the story Natalie told us was true. Caleb said that story was true but that there was something that Natalie had left out. I looked over to his son who was transformed back into a human then sat down on the couch still holding onto my son, then looked back over to Caleb and asked what it was.

Eerie Hollow
Short StoryKendra brand and her son move to start a new life without regret.