Part one: Niyati, Chapter One

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I sat on the hard, grassy ground as I scrubbed at the stains on my brothers white robe. My mother sat across from me scrubbing my fathers. I could tell she was sweating in the hot summer sun. I stared into the old bucket filled with murky water from the stream, I could see my rippling reflection in the water. I continued scrubbing the stained robes and when Id finished I wrung them out over the bucket. I whipped my forearm across my forehead, trying to wipe off the beads of sweat.

Niyati? I hadn't even seen my mother walking over until she called my name and I saw her shadow approaching out of the corner of my eye. Have you finished? she asked

Yes, Mother.

She walked over to the long rope that hung between two thick trees and draped the wet robe she was carrying over the rope. I did the same.

What now, weve done all our work for today right? I asked

I do not know, and yes weve finished.

What will you do? I asked hoping shed say something that I could help with so I had something to do.

I think I will go to the nursery and see if any of the new mothers need help.

I didnt like the nursery much, I never went if I didnt have to, but my mother went often because she enjoyed children and my father would not allow her to have any more, that made me angry

Okay, Ill see you at supper, I said and headed off into the woods. I walked until I reached the clearing in the middle of the woods. I strode over to a big bush and reached through the bramble, it poked my skin as I wrenched out

my bow and leather quiver filled with arrows. The quiver was a light brown

leather color with white tassels hanging off the side in a diagonal line. The thick strap with the buckle in the middle was well worn and looked like it had been used on many occasions, because, well it had. I held them in my hand and my mind slipped into the past. I remembered standing in this very spot, practicing my sword skills with my best friend, Lakhsmi. I remembered challenging her to see who could shoot farther. I remembered our mothers watching us practice with daggers, knives, arrows, swords and any weapon we could get our hands on and learn to use. I remembered sewing together the quiver with spare string and leather I could find around our village. Only us and our mothers had known about this place, I havent been here in years. I'd given up all hope that I could one day become a warrior.

The bushes rustled and I turned, knocking an old arrow, ready to fire at anyone who might find out about this place and my mother and Lakhmis would get into big trouble. The form of a girl appeared out of the shadows, she was wearing a light pink dress, her long blonde hair tied in two tight braids. I immediately recognized Lakhmi and relaxed and lowered my bow.

Lakhmi! Its only you. I gasped in relief.

Only me? I like to think Im more than that.

I laughed, I hadnt been able to spend much time with her since we were kids.

You are. I said and walked over and hugged her. I pulled back holding her arms, her holding mine You look well. I said as I looked her over.

As do you. she said, pulling back and sitting down on a big slab of rock. She patted a spot next to her and I sat.

So, has your father picked who you will marry yet? she asked. Lakhmi had been married a few months ago and her and Aris, her husband, wanted their first child soon, but I knew that Lakhmi did not want this life, a child or a husband, shed always wanted to be a warrior, like I wished to be.

No, but I think he knows I do not want to marry someone who I dont love.

It was true that Id hoped to marry someday, but someone I knew and loved, not some random man who my father had picked out for me.

I know you dont want to marry whoever your father picks, but you have no choice, he could harm your mother. That is the only reason I agreed to marry Aris.

I shivered at the thought of my father ever laying a finger on my mother.

Lakhmi put a warm hand on my back. It will be okay, Niyati.

No! I said as I stood I will not marry a stranger. I refuse. And he will not even think about touching my mother because I will be there. I said my fists clenched into balls

I agree that its not right, but he is so much more powerful than you. He has warriors, you do not.

His warriors are not nearly as skilled as us! We have our own style of fighting that they do not know of, but we know theirs. We could take them down easily.

I know that we could do that easily, but is it the right thing to do?

Yes, it is, they have treated women badly since the collapse. I remembered all the stories the elders would tell us about how the modern world ended because of the great war, but not many things were clear about it. Most people alive today dont know what happened hundreds of years ago.

I know that, but now its our culture, and it may be wrong but there is nothing we can do about it.

There are so many things we could do about it! I protested

Niyati listen to me-

No! I cut her off I will not listen, you may help me or not, its your choice, I will not harm you or your family, but I will harm mine.

Even your mother? she asked looking up at me, her eyes filled with sadness

If thats what it takes. I said then stomped off into the woods, farther away from the village.

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