Part One: Niyati, Chapter Two

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I heard barking in the distance, I flinched at the howl. Wolves. I turned and started jogging back to camp. Wolves could be dangerous, if they got hungry enough they would go after the people in the villages that were scattered all across the land. It was always a precaution in our village to warn the people that they were close so they could keep the babies inside just in case. I leaped over a fallen log, nearly tripping. The soft grass ripped over my bear feet, and the birds flew away as I ran past. I burst out of the forest, into the clearing of my village. I walked quickly to the nursery. I poked my head in through the soft cloth purple fabric that hung over the entrance of the hut. There weren't many people in it at the moment, but my mother was sitting on the floor cradling a little baby. There were about three other mothers inside feeding their babies.

My Mother looked up Niyati! she smiled I thought you didnt like it here?

I only come in when I need to.

And do you need to? one of the women in the back, who was cradling a little baby girl, asked in a whisper

Only to warn you, there are wolves close by. I was in the woods and I heard their howels. I informed them

They never go away, we get this message every day. one of the mothers muttered as she leaned her head against the wall. She looked tired, she had deep eye bags and she held the baby loosely as it fed.

I stepped all the way into the hut and walked over to the mother. Here, I said, holding out my arms for the baby You need to rest, I will watch your baby for a little while while you rest.

Really? The woman handed the little baby to me and then curled up on the dirt floor and started to doze off.

I sat down across from my mother.

That was kind of you. she said

I cant do much in this village but I can help the mothers that dont get to sleep. I said, rocking the baby in my arms.

I know you want to do more, Niyati, Im sorry. she reached over and touched my knee.

I will do something about it someday, and you dont have to be sorry for something that is not your fault. I said

The baby started to whimper in my Mothers arms. She started to rock it and shush it, she took her hand off my knee and let the baby bite at her finger, and the baby stopped crying.

I know its not my fault, or any womens here, it is mans. she said matter of factly.

We should not allow them to treat us this way. I said

One of the women at the far end of the hut spoke up We shouldn't allow them to treat us this way? You think we want them to? She sat up more, and aI could see the two babies she cradled in either arm. We have no choice; they will kill us or harm our children if we try anything.

No. You are stronger than men, you just dont know how to use your strength yet. . I stuttered, surprised by her comment

Yet? the women mumbled

Enough, June. my daughter means well. She hates men even more than you do. My mother said, the baby still playing with her index finger.

What did they do to you, June? I asked, hoping she wouldn't snap at me.

She looked me in the eyes, I could see that they were filled with pain and hate I disagreed with them, I chose to stand up for myself, and they killed my daughter. Took her away and drowned her, and then they forced me to have two more children, and now I live in fear that they will kill them next, she looked down at the sleeping bundles of blankets in her arms Just because I stood up for myself. she said, anger and sadness flashing over her face at the same time.

I looked down at the dirt floor and studied the small pieces of green grass

peeking out Im so sorry, thats terrible! I said meeting Junes eyes.

I Shouldn't have asked. I said looking back at the ground

June looked down at her kids and touched their hair N-no its okay, I actually felt nice to get that off my chest. she admitted

Besides there's nothing we can do about the past, we just have to look on to the future. another woman said, Zanna, I recognized her as one of my mothers friends. I remembered the story my mother had told me about her and how she now has a child. She had lost her mother, who had just had a child, and shed had to take care of it. I shivered. Zanna was about my age, a little older maybe, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing my mother like she had.

We should stand up for ourselves. I said triumphantly We deserve more than this.

I agree, I do not want my daughter to grow up in a world this harsh a woman who was on her side with a toddler cradled near her stomach said.

My mother looked at me We cannot! You all know that. she said glancing around the room If we fight back they will just take our young children and kill the older ones. she said, her eyes sweeping back to me.

Maybe your mother is right, Niyati. Besides we dont even know how to fight. June shrugged

I do.

What? How? We arent allowed to learn. Zanna said with a shocked look on her face We would get in trouble.

Only if you get caught. June pointed out And my guess is she didnt.

If she did, they would have slaughtered her, I fear she would be too killed. my mother said But she still did it anyway, and I allowed it. she sighed

You knew about it, Vidya?

Of course I did, she is my child she cant hide stuff like that from me! My mother practically spat.

Are you skilled? June asked hopefully

Very, I know how to use every weapon we have in the village in my own way, and how the men use them.

That is good! Zanna decided That could be very useful.

Are there any others like you? the woman on her side asked.

My Mother looked at me and her glare to me not to speak of Lakshmi. No. I lied, That I know of, at least. That was only part of a lie, I knew Lakshmi practiced but did not know of anyone else.

Do you even know what you must do if you are going to get to freedom? my Mother asked

Fight? I thought but then it dawned on me that the only way to gain freedom for all the women, not just in our village, but all of them that were scattered across the Earth, I would have to kill my father, and then my brother, so that there would be no one to take the throne and then Id have to kill the leaders of the other Clans and villages I do not care, they never cared about any of us, so we should we them.

You dont even care about your brother?

Do you even care that he is your son? I retorted

My Mother looked at the roof of the hut, and I could tell she was trying not to cry Of course I care! she squeeked He is my son. a tear rolled down her cheek

Madavi nor Father have ever cared about us. I said

That is true, neither of them show any affection towards you. Zanna said

Then its decided, I will kill my Father, and brother.

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