Chapter 6

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*Readers pov*

I sit on the chair wooden chair that hurts my ass, looking at the situation with regret of ever coming here.

They all take turns talking to him about memories, everytime he taps on the chair where they write it on a piece of paper that translates a letter from the taps.

Morse code.

I look at the filling of the code with bored eyes.

Hopper: C'mon're still in there.

After it's finished we are all around the table looking at the word on the paper.

Everyone: "Close Gate"?

I snicker as everyone looks at me.

The phone starts to ring as Nancy threw it on the ground, breaking it.

The lady quickly runs to the boy who is breathing heavily and aids him in his spazm.

Hopper: It knows where we are.

We hear noises outside.

Dustin: That's not good.

Hopper spreads out. Holding a shotgun and a M16 rifle, he talks to Jonathan.

Hopper: Can you use this?

Jonathan: I-I-

Nancy: I can.

He chucks her the shotgun as she catches it and checks the caliber for rounds. Steve holds his nailed baseball bat. The lady hangs onto Jonathan. Mike holds some type of medal in his hand as a weapon as the rest are more in the back.

We all huddle around eachother. A squeal noise is heard in the left direction where they point their guns at and the rest of us direct outselves at.

You: I can help.

I say as I move forward to the armed ones.

Hopper: You're just a kid.

You: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.

I put my hands up in a boxing stance as my fist start to have black smoke erupt. Not a lot but erupting.

There's another movement heard in a diffrent direction as the windows show the bushes move.

Once again, we all move to that direction, guns pointed and weapons aimed.

Another one with a huge snarl with once another with swift movement. We all know its a type of Demogoran but how many? There could be millions and we don't know.

Lucas slings his sling-shot.

The creature whines as if in pain and house is filled with quiet. Only our heavy breathing is heard.

Suddently something flies through a window as they all scream, moving back.

Dustin: OH, SHIT! Is it dead?

Hopper inspects it with his weapon.

The door starts to open on its own. As it slowly opens I see more and more or the person. A small girl slowly walks in with all black clothing and a shaven head. We all stare at the girl. She begins to be in tears. Who is this?

Mike quickly hugs the girl as she begins sobbing.

Max: Is that?...

Lucas: El..

Mike: I never gave you up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-

???: 353 days.

Mike: Why didnt you say something back?

O N E // Stranger Things x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now