Chapter 17

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*Readers pov*

We all huddle down and meet up with them.

???: I'm Robbin. Steves friend.

Lucas: Erica? What are you doing here!?

Erica: uhhh, child endangerment! Its these guys fault.

Steve: Shes right, it is our fault.

Robin: What happened to that car?!

Dustin: Els superpowers.

Robin: What?!

Steve: El has superpowers, keep up. Also that playboy too.

He points at me.

Erica: That's El?!

She says pointing at the number girl.

Dustin: Robin cracked the top secret communist code.

Steve: Through that we found out about the Russians.

Jonathan: Russians? Wait, what Russians?

Steve: The Russians!

Max: Those were the Russians?

Dustin looks over at Mike.

Dustin: Did you get my code red?

Mike: Yeah, couldn't figure out a single thing you were saying.

Dustin: Godamn low battery.

While me and El seem to get the same wierd feeling as they are arguing. We both look at eachother as we start wobbling away. This feeling...its like I'm dizzy. El falls to the ground.


I fall down to the ground aswell. They all rush over and help El as I lay there in pain. I keep my hand over my head as I hear El screaming next to me. I look over and see her leg completely red and a little fucking monster inside thats making her in alot of agony.

Jonathan runs away for something.

You: El?...

Dustin: One! Burn off her leg, quick!

Lucas: How about One dosen't do that!?

Jonathan comes back with a knife and a wooden spoon as I continue to be weak.

Jonathan: One. Heat this up.

My body starts to run cold. I begin passing out. I feel Max grab my hand and lifting it up herself as she slaps my hand.

Max: Fire, motherfucker, Fire!

Lucas: How is you slapping his hand supposed to make him-

A large flame appears in my hand as Max looks over at Lucas with a smirk. Jonathan puts the knife on it and heats it up nice. He goes over to El and places the knife to start cutting her. I lay there, paralysed and watching, I continue to have blood coming out my nose.

Jonathan cuts her leg wound as she screams in pain but she bites into the wooden spoon in her mouth which muffles her screams.

He puts the bag on his hand and slowly reaches in but I try to stop him.

You: Wait! Wait!...

I say weakly. He dosen't stop and digs into her leg as she screams and everyone flinches in disgust.

After some digging and screaming he stops and El weakly sits up and does it herself. She slowly uses her powers from the pain and starts pulling out a little creature. She throws is across the room as she screams.

I begin passing out but no-one goes to me for my care. Whatever.

Looks like I'm the place where El goes to when shes blind folded or something. I look around to see El dancing gracfully and romantically.

Billy: Amazing, isn't she?

You: Yeah...

I continue to watch her in her white long dress that flies in the sky. You can hear her giggles. Slowly, Mike appears and starts dancing with her. He's the source of her smiling and giggles as he chuckles while dancing with her in his black suit.

Billy: Too bad.

You: I know what you're doing. Trying to make me join you as you know I would kill you.

He laughs. Billy suddently has blood marks all around him as if something bit him in his stomach and sides. He begins laughing historically.

Billy: It's too late.

Mike and El dissappear as its only him.

Billy: Billys dead. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

I begin opening my eyes. I see with my blurry eyes and ringing noise in my ears a Billy bleeding out from the bite marks of tentacle coming from the same monster in the dead center of the mall. The monster is massive.

You: BILLY!!!!!!

I scream as with all my might I run over. He looks at me as I run after him.

Billy: One...

He goes limb as his body proceeds to drops on the floor when the monster drops him. I slide over, holding my hand on his chest where the blood is.

He is dead...

I slowly look up in anger at the monster, the crew are all shocked. I continue to run at the monster in super speed as it opens its mouth in a screech.


I see El flinging a sharp pipe at the monster but I get in the way as it hits my stomach and impaling me. I continue to jump inside the monster as the sharp teeth cawl my legs before I enter. I continue to catch fire as I start exploding in flames. I feel my skin start to melt but I do not care as a inferno explosion errupts from me.

Nothing is left from the monster unlike the blood on the walls and bones on the floor.

I stand there, in the open, my whole body covered in blood. Pipe that is impaled through me.

El: Y/N!!!

I drop to my knees. El slides over to me. Looking at my destroyed skin. I look down and see a pipe inside me.

El: You killed it! You saved us! You're covered in its blood..

You: Not...his blood...

I drop down to the ground on my back as I look up, my eyes beginning to be blurry as light is 100x brighter.

Max: Oh no, why is this happening?!

Mike: The pipe...the pipe that El threw!

I hold it as its inside me. I pull it out but look at El.

You: End my suffering...kill me, Eleven..

She begins crying heavily.

You: Or...its okay...I can bleed out...

I say weakly.

Dustin: Burn it shut with your fire.

Mike: It took out his organs, bones and veins.

You: I love you, El...I wish I could have made a move on you if I weren't such a jerk.

I coughs out blood. The circle of the crew around me.

El: I loved you since I saw you...Don't leave me, please.

She begins crying.

You: El...I wish I could.

El: Stay with me...

She feels the scar around my neck she made.

You: I love you...

I begin passing out.

El: I love you too...

My eyes start to fade to black.

Goodbye world.

O N E // Stranger Things x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now